Chapter 12: The Date

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A/N: This chapter is super dramatic but I love it.


Farah had never actually found Wanda after her talk with Pietro. She had just gone to her room and stayed there the rest of the day, taking a shower and washing her hair. As she walked out of the bathroom, she heard her phone buzz. She glanced at it with a raised eyebrow, seeing that she had a text from Lucas.

Farah smiled down at her phone, gently flicking her teeth with her tongue. She and Lucas had been talking for almost a week now and Farah was really enjoying it. She honestly loved the attention, it wasn't hard to talk to him and he wasn't causing any unnecessary drama in her life. She began to have a conversation with him as she sat down on the edge of her bed.

L: Hey! I have the night off tomorrow, want to grab dinner?

Farah bit her lip, would it be a date?

F: Yeah totally! What time?

L: Does 6 work?

F: Yeah sounds great, see you then! :)

Farah held back a smile, placing her hands on her knees. Did she have a date? She got a little giddy inside, liking the excitement. The last time she went on a date was a rather long time ago, long before the accident. Farah then had a scary realization: She didn't have Malia there to help her get ready.

Farah had never really been a big dater. She had been in a long-term relationship with one of her professors for the past few years so she hadn't gotten many opportunities to date other people. However, whenever they went out (which was rare), Malia had always been there to help her get ready. Farah felt pain and anxiety rise up in her chest as she thought about not having her best friend anymore.

Her thoughts started to spiral and she found herself in the corner of her bed, biting her nails and trying to not think about the accident. Every time she blinked she could see Malia's bloody body, all mangled and distorted from the night terrors she had been having.

It seemed like every night Farah was having a different nightmare of the same thing. Sometimes Malia would be a demon and sometimes she would disintegrate right in front of Farah, her body turning to dust. Regardless of what it was, Farah hadn't had a goodnight's sleep in months.

Anxiously, she decided to turn a movie on in her room to distract herself from spiraling even more, not wanting to have a panic attack. Farah eventually fell asleep while watching Tangled, it had always been a comfort movie for her and she could often get distracted by it.


After a terrible night's sleep, Farah got up and had a full day of training. She started the day off in Bruce's lab, hoping he had answers for her. She had asked him about the blood that he had taken last week, but he just kind of dodged the question. Farah was so tired that she didn't even bother prying.

Bruce gave her some meditation techniques that he liked to use in hopes to help Farah control her powers better. She hadn't really had an outburst in a while, but she had this strange feeling in her gut that one was coming.

After working with Bruce, she went and trained a bit with Natasha (Who absolutely kicked her ass). Farah was getting a little bit better at fighting, but she was definitely no match for Nat. I mean she literally was the Black Widow, not many people could beat her. Farah ended up with a giant bruise on her hip, and not even from Nat, it was because she fell over her own feet while trying to throw a punch.

Exhausted, Farah spent the rest of the afternoon taking a dreamless nap and catching up on her school work. Her workload was getting more intense and she was starting to have a hard time balancing that and her training.

𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕤 // ℙ. 𝕄𝕒𝕩𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕗𝕗Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang