Chapter 4: The Sokovians

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After Farah's talk with Tony, she suddenly felt very anxious.

Thoughts were rushing through her mind as she realized what she had just committed to. She practically just gave up her entire life in a single sentence. Now she had a lot of unanswered questions as well. What was she supposed to do about school? She only had a few more months left before she graduated. It wasn't exactly in her five-year plan to become a superhero.

Tony had left and a girl with auburn hair walked into the lab. She knocked softly on the door.

"Banner, Tony told me to show the new girl around," She said in a thick accent. Farah realized it was almost identical to the one Pietro had.

Bruce mindlessly nodded. "Her vitals are clear so go ahead," He said with a kind smile. Farah would soon notice that having a welcoming expression was just the way Bruce naturally looked.

The auburn-haired girl smiled at Farah warmly and Farah found herself smiling back. She stood up off the medical bed and walked towards her a bit awkwardly. The girl gestured for her to follow so Farah did.

"My name is Wanda Maximoff," She said holding out her hand for Farah to shake. Farah looked down at her hand, slightly afraid to touch it in case she shocked her. Wanda looked at her quizzically, "If you are scared about hurting me, do not worry, I am sure I have experienced worse," She said with a small chuckle, her thick accent being prominent.

Farah looked at her and shook her hand, "I'm Farah Wilks," She said a bit more confidently, hoping to get past the awkwardness. Wanda seemed nice, her presence was warm and welcoming to Farah so she saw no need to be hostile or afraid.

They walked down the hallway and Wanda began to show her around the compound. They walked into an area that had a stove, fridge, and other kitchen appliances. Farah looked around, her jaw slightly opened. The kitchen was huge and looked as if it had been designed by a modern architect.

"This is the kitchen, we have a cafeteria where most of the agents and other people who live here eat, but this is where most of the Avengers go to get snacks," Wanda explained as she walked past the counter. "And because you seem like a nice person I am going to show you my secret stash of chocolate," Wanda said with a mischievous smile. She walked over to one of the cabinets and opened it to reveal shelves full of candy and sweets, causing Farah's jaw to drop again.

For the past four years, Farah had been living off a poor college student diet. She had a job at Daniels, but that was to pay off her loans. Her mom was a car mechanic in a small town, so it wasn't like she had a lot of money to give to Farah. She walked closer to the cabinet, feeling her sweet tooth guiding her.

"Holy shit," She said, browsing through all the sweets. She looked at Wanda in amazement, who was just smiling at her, "You know, I'm starting to think that living here isn't going to be so terrible," She said running a hand through her honey-colored, curly hair. Wanda smiled at her with a small chuckle.

"Come on," She said waving her hand, "We still have a lot more of the compound to see," Wanda added, walking out the door to the kitchen.

Farah followed after her excitedly, but then her smile faltered. It was strange for her to feel happy, it almost felt wrong. This was such a big change for her and all she wanted to do was share it with Malia.

Wanda led them down a few hallways and Farah blinked rapidly, trying to get Malia out of her head. She decided that making small talk would be a good distraction.

"Hey Wanda," Farah said looking at her, "Where is your accent from? If you don't mind me asking," She added. Wanda looked over at her as they walked past a couple of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

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