Chapter 84: The Washcloth

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Ok, I'm sorry for the emotional turmoil I've caused but just read this chapter, don't come for me yet! Although I am honored to be a household name among your therapists


"HOW STUPID ARE YOU?!" Tony bellowed, his voice full of anger.

Farah, Pietro, and Wanda were all sitting on a grey couch at the top of Stark Tower, the three of them still in their blood-covered suits. Tony was pacing in front of them, steam practically flowing out of his ears.

"This isn't technically their fault-"

"SHUT IT BARTON!" Tony said, pointing his finger at Clint, who was standing in the corner of the room. He just looked back at the three sitting in front of him, not even sure where to start. The man continued to pace, the veins on his forehead popping out a little as he continued to speak.

"What were you three thinking!?!" He said to them, shaking his head, "What on Earth possessed you to go up there without any back-up?" Tony asked them in disbelief, genuinely not understanding how they could be so careless.

The three of them just stayed quiet, Farah looking down at her bloodstained boots in guilt. Wanda had a similar demeanor to the way she was sitting, her forehead resting in the palm of her hand. Pietro on the other hand was leaning back on the couch, really not enjoying being scolded, especially by Tony Stark of all people.

"You are adults, and Peter," Tony said to them, taking a breath in between his words, "Peter is just a kid," He added, looking at them intently. Farah just watched him pace, she had never seen him like that. He wasn't acting like his normal self, any snarky or sarcastic comments in him were gone. For once, Tony Stark was dead serious.

"You three are benched for the next month."

Farah just looked at him, her mouth falling open slightly. She wasn't really upset, she understood why they were getting punished, she was more just surprised by it. Wanda just looked at him distantly, muttering something under her breath along the lines of, "It's not like I get that many missions anyway." Pietro simply rolled his eyes as Tony began to walk out of the room, stopping in the doorway and looking back at them.

"You're lucky Peter is still alive, because if he died, that would have been on you."

That was all the man said before simply giving them one last look and leaving the room. Everyone stayed quiet for a moment, Clint moving away from the wall and towards the door. He had been blaming himself a little as well, after all, he had advised them to go out on their own. He just sighed, "I'll talk to him," Clint said to them before leaving the room.

Farah just nodded and looked back down at her feet, having a rather hard time looking away from all the blood that was on her body. After Steve, Nat, and Clint had found them on the roof, the rest of the night went by in a blur. Farah could hardly remember Nat using some sort of healing technology to stop Peter's bleeding enough to transport him. Luckily, Dr. Helen Cho had been in the city for a conference and was able to work on him, if she hadn't he probably would have died. Farah really had no idea what she would have done if that had happened, but she was just glad he was still alive.

She stood up off the couch and looked over at Pietro and Wanda, scratching her neck a little. "I'm going to go clean myself up," Farah said to them, walking out into the hallway. The twins just both nodded their heads, figuring they should do the same. The three of them were pretty scarred from what had happened so they were all very quiet.

Farah had walked around the tower in search of clean clothes to wear. Luckily she had found some of what she assumed were Pepper's clothes, hoping that she wouldn't mind if she borrowed some. It was just a shirt and some sweatpants so she figured it wouldn't be a big deal.

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