Chapter 54: The Meteor Shower

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature and sexual content. 18+ content.

This one picks up like right after the last chapter. Also if my Romanian is terribly translated I apologize in advance.


Peanut Butter seemed like a good idea at first, but Pietro and Farah soon found out it was very sticky.

Farah was licking some off of Pietro's abs, letting her tongue glide over each line and indent. Pietro dropped his hands down to her hair, exhaling sharply. She continued down his body and he gripped her hair, causing Farah to wince in pain.

"Ow!" Farah said as Pietro tried to remove his hands from her hair. He looked down at her in confusion, his hands stuck. She pulled away from him with a grimace on her face as Pietro was able to his get hands free.

Lake water and peanut butter don't exactly mix well with curly hair.

Farah got up and looked at Pietro, who was stifling his chuckle. She just glared at him, pulling out globs of peanut butter from her hair.

Pietro made a slightly disappointed face, he had liked where that had been going.

"What? You wanted to use the peanut butter," He said with a shrug and a small smirk, standing up as well.

"Yeah, but I didn't mean put it in my hair!" Farah said with a slight wince as she tried to detangle a giant sticky knot from her hair. They were both standing there, mostly naked, with peanut butter on their bodies. If anyone were to find them like this, they'd probably be pretty concerned.

Farah sighed and walked over to the lake, trying to wash off the brown paste from her body. Pietro did the same and was able to get himself clean. The very tip of his white hair was a little brown, but it wasn't as noticeable as Farah.

He chuckled a bit as he looked at her put her clothing back on. She had gotten the peanut butter off her body but her hair looked insane. The brown spread was acting like a mousse and she looked like someone had electrocuted her, causing her hair to stick up straight.

Which if you think about it, is kind of ironic.

She turned over her shoulder as she was putting on her shirt and shook her head, trying to hide her own laugh.

"It isn't funny, Maximoff!" She said looking at him, shaking her head, "This is going to take forever to get out," Farah added with a slight smile. Pietro shrugged, picking up the blanket.

"It is a little funny," He said, looking at her with a slight smirk. Farah grabbed the food they were eating and put it back in the bag, sighing and looking around.

"We should go before this sits in my hair for too long," Farah said walking towards the two bushes that they came in through. Pietro nodded and followed after her, walking back towards the compound.

Pietro could tell Farah was annoyed about the peanut butter and he understood why. Ever since he had met her he had very quickly learned that she was protective of her hair. She almost smacked him one time for ruffling it after she had just washed it.

As they walked into the compound, they both headed towards the kitchen to put away some of the food they had been eating. When they walked inside they found Peter and Wanda drinking smoothies.

"I still don't think kale is good," Peter said a bit grossed out, looking down at his green juice. Wanda rolled her eyes.

"Just drink it," She said looking at him with raised eyebrows. As Peter was reluctantly taking a sip they both turned their attention to the two walking in. They were both surprised to see that Farah had actually left her room. Peter was going to say something, but then he saw her hair and began to laugh hysterically. Wanda raised an eyebrow.

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