Chapter 15: The Rain

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WARNING: This chapter gets a little...steamy.

It was a rainy Sunday at the compound. Wanda, Tony, and Clint were all off on a mission, and Pietro was watching T.V. in the lounge room. Farah had just made some popcorn and was planning on watching a movie when she walked in on Pietro already sitting there. She sighed, hoping to have had a little alone time.

Pietro looked up and over at her, "Oh hey there, Zappy" He said, turning to look back at the T.V.. He began to yell at it. "NO Barbara you prost!" He shouted, "You should've picked L, my first language is not even English, yet even I knew that," He said, watching a rerun of Wheel of Fortune.

Farah held back her laugh and sat down on the couch a little bit away's from him. She didn't really mind that he was calling her Zappy anymore, she felt that he wasn't trying to be intentionally mean. Pietro looked over at her and grabbed some of her popcorn.

"Hey!" She said pulling the bowl away from him, swatting his hand.

He smirked a bit, "What? Did you not learn how to share as a child?" Pietro teased, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. Farah rolled her eyes at him, looking down at the bowl.

"You know you could get up and go make your own," Farah suggested to him, gesturing to the door. He narrowed his eyebrows at her.

"Princessa, I am not that stupid. I know the second I get up you will take the remote and change the channel to some Disney movie," He said holding up the black remote. Farah frowned, annoyed that he knew exactly what she was going to do.

Without thinking, Farah grabbed the remote out of his hand and held it behind herself. Pietro, of course, let this happen, he could see things happen in slow motion, but he wanted to see how this one played out.

"Do you honestly think you can keep that from me?" He asked cockily. She shrugged with a playful smile on her face, raising an eyebrow. Without missing a beat, Pietro tackled her on the couch. He began to tickle her, using that as a tactic to try and get the remote from her hand. Farah had always been a ticklish person so she was laughing hysterically, causing Pietro to smile at her.

But then Pietro stopped as the T.V. changed to a news station, both of them snapping their heads towards the television.

Breaking news: The body of Lucas Hansen, a 24-year-old male, was found deceased in a small pond near his home. Experts do not believe this was an accident, as laceration marks were found around his wrists and ankles, leading them to believe it was a homicide.

Farah quickly pushed Pietro off of her and walked closer to the television, bringing her hand up to the screen. There was a picture of a man on the screen and sure enough, it was the same Lucas she was supposed to go on a date with. Her mouth fell open as she looked at the picture of him, not believing that he could actually be dead.

She felt herself starting to panic, a lot of different emotions running through her head. So, she began to leave the room, hurrying out of the compound and towards the open air. Pietro followed her with wide eyes, connecting the dots that the guy on the screen was the same Lucas she was supposed to go out with.

Farah walked quickly out into the rain. It was cold and oddly refreshing, she felt like she needed to purify her entire body. She kept walking towards a clearing that had some trees in it, needing to be alone in case she exploded again.

Pietro was following after her. "Farah!" He called from a long-distance away. She just ignored him but Pietro used his super-speed and ended up right in front of her in a matter of seconds. "Far," He said a little more softly, looking down at her and holding up a hand so she would stop walking.

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