Chapter 67: The Guitar

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WARNING: This chapter depicts sexual assault/domestic abuse. 18+ content.

I'm going to try to get the next four chapters out to y'all in the next two days :) Ignore my typos please lol


After Pietro's confession in the woods, he and Farah were walking back towards the compound.

As they walked through the glass doors, Pietro glanced over at Farah, "I think I am going to go check up on Wanda, would you like to come?" He asked curiously.

Farah looked at him with raised eyebrows and nodded her head, "Yeah, sure," She added as they walked down the hallway. Pietro sighed and frowned a little as they approached the living quarters. Farah furrowed eyebrows, gently grabbing his wrist.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly. He looked over at her and nodded his head, running his hand through his hair.

"Yes, I just feel responsible for Wanda getting hurt," Pietro said to her honestly, "I was supposed to be blocking her but I was not quick enough and someone attacked her," He added. Farah stopped and looked at him, Pietro doing the same.

"Speedy, it probably isn't your fault, and even if it was I don't think Wanda will be mad," She said to him, gently rubbing his arm. He sighed and looked at her, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Yes, but I am her older brother, I am supposed to protect her," Pietro added with another deep sigh. Farah gave him a confused look.

"You two are twins."

"I am still twelve minutes older than her."

Farah chuckled a little and tilted her head at him, "Pietro, Wanda is going to be perfectly fine, okay?" She said to him calmly. She thought it was sweet how protective he was of her. He nodded his head and the two began to walk again.

Pietro grabbed her hand as they made their way down the hall and Farah gave him a small smile. She gently rubbed her thumb against his skin as they arrived at Wanda's room. Pietro knocked on the door and opened it slowly, peeking his head inside.

"Wanda? Ce mai faci?" Pietro asked in Romanian as he and Farah walked in.
How are you?

Wanda was sitting in her bed watching reruns of an old sitcom on a T.V. in front of her. She glanced up, pausing the show with the remote. The ginger haired girl was wearing pajama pants and an old raggedy sweatshirt.

"Sunt bine, capul meu nu mă mai doare," Wanda replied, looking at her brother.
I'm fine, my head does not hurt anymore.

Farah let go of his hand as he walked over to sit down on the edge of her bed. She had no idea what the two were saying since she didn't speak Romanian.

"Ar trebui să te odihnești câteva zile." Pietro said to Wanda, looking at her with a concerned expression. Wanda just tilted her head at him, giving him a small smile.
You should still rest for a few more days.

"I am fine, brother," Wanda replied to him in English. Pietro just shook his head with a sigh, looking at his sister with a guilty expression. She gently reached out and placed a hand on his arm, "Piet, I really am okay," Wanda added.

Pietro frowned a little and nodded his head, glad to see that she was feeling better. While this entire exchange was going on, Farah was mindlessly wandering around Wanda's room. The twins had been mostly speaking Romanian so it wasn't like she could understand them.

She had been in Wanda's room many times before, but she had never really looked that closely at her things. Farah smiled a little, picking up a picture frame. It had a photo of what she assumed was Wanda and Pietro as young teenagers. It was strange seeing them both with dark brown hair, though it did seem fitting to their complexions.

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