Chapter 68: The Evaluation

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This chapter's a little shorter than normal but oh well :)


"Princessa, you are going to be fine."

"What if Cap kicks my ass?"

"Why would he kick you in the butt?" Pietro asked with a confused look on his face. Farah just blinked at him and shook her head, he apparently didn't understand the American phrase.

"Never mind," She said, nerves contaminating her tone. Farah looked around the training room. So far no one was in there, just her and Pietro. She insisted on getting there early so she could warm up.

Pietro could tell she was nervous so he walked over to her and gently placed his hands on her arms, rubbing them softly. She met his eyes, a little bit of electricity forming in her pupils.

He brought his hand up and placed it on her cheek, "Draga, you need to take a deep breath before you fry someone," Pietro said to her, looking her in the eyes. Farah nodded, sucking in air and blowing it out of her mouth.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous, I never get like this," She said to him, anxiety creeping up in the pit of her stomach. It was strange, she knew she wouldn't be like this when it came to missions, it was just this damn evaluation that was making her panic.

Farah really wanted to do well. She had been training her ass off ever since she had gotten there and she really needed to show everyone what she could do. She felt like she needed to prove herself and show them that she isn't just some impulsive killer, she could actually use her powers for good.

She glanced over Pietro's shoulder as Steve walked into the room. Farah was then a little surprised to see every single other Avenger follow after him. She took a step around Pietro and furrowed her eyebrows a little.

Cap had his shield slung over his back on a harness, which confused Farah because she didn't think that they were going to be using weapons.

Pietro walked over to Wanda, who was standing next to Clint and Natasha, "Where is Vision?" He asked curiously to his sister. Wanda looked over at him and sighed.

"He is down in Tony's lab, he did not think Farah would want a lot of people here," She said, looking forward. Pietro nodded his head realizing that Vision might have been correct.

Bruce and Tony were off to the side conversing while Thor was just standing there with his arms crossed, curious to watch his daughter fight.

Farah walked up to Cap and he looked over at her, "I thought we weren't using weapons?" She asked curiously, looking at his shield. Steve shook his head at her, glancing back at his shield.

"No, I am using my shield incase you accidently fry me," Steve said to her, "We're just going to do some simple sparring, and I don't expect you to win, I just want to see what you can do without your powers," He added.

Farah kind of just looked at him. She was trying her best not to be offended because she knew Steve was just trying to be nice, but she didn't need to be babied. She had been working her ass off the past few weeks for this. Her and Natasha would spend hours going over different combat combinations and moves, she was determined to win the damn fight.

"What's with the peanut gallery?" Farah asked, looking over at the other Avengers who were standing around the fighting mat. Steve sighed and looked over at her with a small shrug.

"They all wanted to see what you can do, we are a team after all," He said, giving her a small smile. Farah nodded her head, looking around.

"Where are Bucky and Sam?" She asked curiously, tilting her head and cracking her neck a little. Steve raised an eyebrow, looking around.

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