Chapter 56: The Broken Nose

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"Ok, now just press the button."

Wanda and Farah were on their way back to the compound and Wanda was trying to figure out the polaroid camera Farah had bought. They had stopped to pick up some film sheets for it so they could actually take pictures.

"Oh, I see," Wanda said holding the camera up. She smiled and made a peace sign with her other hand as Farah ran her hand through her hair with a smile. They were in the Mustang so their hair was blowing everywhere from the wind and they both had sunglasses on.

Wanda pressed down on the button and snapped a picture, the polaroid coming out of the bottom of the camera. She grabbed it and smiled, waiting for it to develop.

"Put it in the glove box," Farah said to Wanda, "The sun will ruin it and that's going to be a really cute picture," She added with a small smile. Wanda returned the expression and put the picture into the compartment in front of her.

Farah rested her arm on the side of the car as they drove and she glanced over at Wanda.

"Hey, how come you didn't want Pietro to come? I mean I get the whole third-wheeling thing but you didn't tell him where we were actually going," Farah said, turning her attention back to the road. Wanda simply just shrugged.

"I love my brother more than anything," Wanda said, "but I hate going shopping with him," She added, looking down at the camera.

Farah furrowed her eyebrows and let out a slight laugh while Wanda just continued to talk.

"I am serious, he is the worst person to shop with," Wanda said with a small chuckle, "He cannot focus on anything and he would buy the entire store without even realizing it," She added with a slight head shake, "I honestly do not know how you put up with him,"

Farah just shrugged, "Eh, he has his charms," She added with a small smile, looking over at Wanda. Wanda leaned back in her seat a little and returned Farah's smile.

"You know, I am glad you two are together," Wanda said honestly, looking at the cow fields as they continued down the road, "I have seen Piet with women before, but he seems really happy with you, more like himself," She added with a head nod.

Farah just felt herself smile, "I'm really happy with him too," She said honestly.

She just looked at the fields as they got closer to the compound while Wanda began to ramble on about something. Farah honestly didn't know what because she got distracted by a thought.

The last time she and Wanda had driven this way was back when Farah had first gotten to the compound and they had gone shopping. She had forgotten about that day and her thoughts began to travel to Lucas, the guy that asked her out that was murdered.

Farah hadn't thought about him in a while, she had been so caught up in her life on the compound that his death had slipped her mind and honestly, she felt guilty.

She still had no idea what had happened to him. As far as she knew, the police had closed the investigation, saying it was some kind of accident. None of it made sense at all and Farah felt like she was responsible for it. That may have seemed self-centered, but she was still convinced that anyone close to her was going to die.

That was another thought that terrified her.

Farah had didn't know what she would do if something happened to Pietro. He was the one thing in her life that she knew she couldn't live without and that was horrifying. Even if Farah thought she had, she had never felt this deep of feelings for anyone before.

She just sighed as Wanda spoke, running a hand through her curly hair. They both watched as the sun began to set and Farah just bit the inside of her cheek.

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