Chapter 75: The Arcade

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature and sexual content. 18+ content.

Farah woke up to sunlight hitting her face.

She slowly opened her eyes to find her face pressed into Pietro's chest. She just took a deep breath, taking in his smell and the warmth of his body. After their late-night piano playing session, the two had fallen asleep together on the couch in the living room.

Pietro had one of his arms wrapped tightly around her waist and the other was cradling her head against his chest. He had a rather protective hold on her, there was practically no space between them and their legs were intertwined.

After what Farah had said about her grandpa, Pietro felt even more protective of her (if that was even possible). He didn't understand how someone could hurt the person he loved so dearly. It made him sick to think about, so when he held her in his arms, he at least had the reassurance that she was out of harm's way.

Pietro felt like if he didn't hold her tightly, she would disappear, and he wasn't willing to risk that. Luckily, Farah wasn't claustrophobic and didn't mind the cuddling. It was actually pretty calming for her, she felt safe with him.

Farah sighed and slightly pulled away, looking up at her boyfriend. He was still sleeping, with his hair perfectly tousled and the sunlight illuminating his sharp features. She felt her lips curve up a little at how perfect he looked. Farah sighed not wanting to move.

If she could have, she would have stayed like that forever.

But alas, her bladder betrayed her and she felt the sudden urge to pee. She groaned a little and tried to pull away from Pietro, but he unconsciously held her closer. She grunted a little as her face collided with his chest again.

"Maximoff," Farah whispered to him, tapping him on the side. He made a groaning noise, burying his face further into the couch, "I need to get up," She added gently.

"Mmm five more minutes," Pietro said in a sleepy, morning voice. It sounded raspy and deep like it always did when he first woke up. Farah looked up at him.

"Speedy, I need to get up now," She said a little more urgently, really needing to go to the bathroom. Pietro just let out a murmur into the couch cushion and kept his hold on her. Farah just sighed and tried to push away from him.

"Farahhhhh," He whined as she tried to pull away. Pietro was comfortable and wanted to go back to sleep.

"Pietroooo," Farah whined back, mocking him and pulling away. Pietro smirked with his eyes closed as he loosened his grip.

"Ooo Princessa, say my name like that again," He said playfully, still half asleep. Farah just shook her head with a small smile and got up off the couch while Pietro sighed and fell back asleep.

After she used the restroom, Farah found herself pretty awake and alert. She peaked into the living room to see Pietro still asleep on the couch and she sighed, walking into the kitchen. She grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with orange juice before making herself some toast.

Farah sat down at the kitchen table and started to eat her breakfast, looking out the window. She had a nice view of the property, the hills on the field were full of luscious green grass. She used to sit in this exact spot every morning, just taking in the beautiful countryside surrounding her.

But then she saw something peculiar and she squinted her eyes. She took a bite of her toast as she looked at the top of one of the hills, seeing some kind of black item sitting on top of it. She immediately stopped her chewing when she realized it was a lantern. Farah's face grew pale and her blood ran cold, thinking about the dream she had last night.

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