Chapter 39: The Punch

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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual and mature content. It also depicts sexual/domestic abuse. 18 + content. Stay safe friends!

Farah opened her eyes when she heard rain hitting the window.

She felt Pietro's arm around her waist and her back was pressed up tightly against his chest. She smiled a bit to herself, his body was always so warm and there was something soothing about waking up against it on a rainy day.

Farah flipped around so she was facing his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful with his white hair perfectly messy and Farah brought a hand up and gently traced his stubbly chin with her finger.

"You know if you like staring at me, you could take a picture, it would probably last longer" Pietro said in a low voice with his eyes still closed, smiling a bit.

Farah rolled her eyes playfully and began to roll the other direction to get out of the bed. Pietro grumbled and gripped her waist tighter, pulling her into his chest. She wasn't expecting this and she grunted a bit as her face was smooshed against his t-shirt.

"Speedy" She said into his chest as he held her tightly. His eyes were still closed and his chin was on top of her head.

"Hm?" Pietro said trying to fall back asleep. He was a really light sleeper so it was hard for him to sleep sometimes. His muscular arms wrapped even tighter around her and Farah tried to exhale.

"I can't breathe" She said trying to exhale again.

Pietro opened his eyes and smirked, rolling onto his back. "Woah" Farah said, surprised at the sudden movement. She was now laying on top of his chest with his arms around her lower back.

"Zappy, are you saying I am strong?" Pietro asked, his voice a bit raspy from just waking up, yet his accent still was very prominent. Farah smirked a bit and folded her hands on top of each other on his chest, gently resting her chin on them so she could see him better.

"In your dreams, Maximoff," Farah said playfully as his hands shifted from her waist and slid down her ass. He gripped it and pulled her closer to his face with a small smile. Farah laughed a bit as their noses touched and she was looking down at him.

"Actually you were in my dreams," Pietro said with a smirk as he looked at her.

"Oh?" Farah said raising an eyebrow and looking down at him. He then flipped them abruptly so he was on top of her. Pietro lowered his face towards her ear and began to talk in a low voice.

"Oh yeah," He said in her ear causing chills to crawl up her spine, "A very specific one" Pietro added, placing a kiss on her neck, "it was about something you said to me yesterday" he added kissing up the other side of her neck and towards her other ear.

Farah put her hands in his hair and gently tugged it so she could look into his eyes.

"You'll have to be more specific," She said leaning up and kissing him once gently, "I talk a lot" Farah added.

Pietro was silent for a moment before connecting their lips once again, this time more passionately. He ground his hips down into her, causing her to moan into his mouth. He took that as an invitation for his tongue to enter her mouth.

Things began to escalate and Farah pulled Pietro's shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. She ran her hands up his torso, getting lost as she felt his warm, perfectly sculpted body. God, he had like no body fat.

As they kissed, Pietro pulled off Farah's shirt and kissed down her chest. His teeth grazed her nipple and she let out a sharp exhale, her back arching slightly, needing more contact. He placed his mouth on her breast, earning a moan from Farah who began to place her hands on the hem of his pajama pants, pulling them down.

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