Chapter 3: The Offer

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"Yes, as in Tony Stark," Bruce said standing up. He walked over to the computer to check her vitals as Farah thought for another moment.

"Wait a minute, he said Banner," She muttered to herself, "HOLY SHIT ARE YOU BRUCE BANNER?" She asked excitedly, looking him up and down.

Banner smiled to himself and looked at her, pushing up his glasses and rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, yeah that's me".

Farah couldn't believe it, she had been reading and studying his research since she was a freshman in high school. Yeah, she intended to be an aerospace engineer, but biochemistry fascinated her just as much. She was about to speak before a voice began to talk from behind her.

"Well good morning sunshine," The male voice said. Farah turned around and saw Tony Stark walking into the room. He had a bag of nuts in his hand and he sauntered over to the counter, resting his back up against it. Farah felt starstruck, I mean she honestly couldn't give two shits about superheroes and him being Iron Man and all that crap, what she really was amazed by was the technology he's created. This is the man who she wanted to be an engineer for, after all.

Farah just blinked at him.

"Right, okay," He said, widening his eyes. Tony decided he would cut right to the chase, "Farah you are very powerful," He said looking at her, "I mean you took out six frat guys in a matter of seconds," Tony said with a shrug, "Personally, that just sounds like natural selection".

Farah shook her head and looked down at her hands. Her feet were now crisscrossed in front of her, "I didn't mean to kill them though, I really didn't want to" She said looking up at Bruce and Tony, worried that they were going to lock her away somewhere.

"Well, kid it doesn't matter what you meant to do," He said, popping a walnut into his mouth, "It matters what you did do," Tony said, talking like a father would, not that Farah would know the difference. He was about to speak again before Farah cut him off.

"Ok I understand that but please don't lock me up like that Loki guy, even though I might deserve it, I can go under the radar some-" Was all she could say before Tony cut her off. He laughed a bit.

"OK first off, unless you get an entire Alien race to attack New York City, you won't be locked up like Loki. Second off, no one is going to lock you up Kid," He said crossing his arms. "Right Bruce?" He asked the bespectacled man. Bruce was caught off guard but he nodded.

Farah furrowed her eyebrows. If they didn't want to lock her up, what did they want?

Tony began to speak again. "I want you to train with the Avengers," He said, being rather straightforward.

If Farah had had water in her mouth it definitely would have been all over the lab floor at this point, "I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"I want you," He said pointing at her, "To train with the Avengers," Tony added, making the last part a little slower, "Farah, you have a lot of potential and we could use someone with your specialties on our team," Tony said with a slight shrug, particularly interested in her case.

"Now you wouldn't be an Avenger yet, that requires you to not turn anyone that makes you mad into a fried egg," Tony said again. Farah held back her glare, "But I see something in you kid, we watched the surveillance footage and you have a lot of power that you can't control."

Farah just looked at Bruce and Tony, pretty amazed at this. Yesterday she was just bottling up her feelings and working at a hardware store. Now Tony Stark wanted her to be an Avenger. Where the fuck was she? Tumblr?

"The safest place for you is to be here at the compound. The worst you could do is minorly hurt Cap and maybe take out a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents," Tony joked. Farah gave him a worried look, glancing at Bruce. "I'm joking," Tony said with a wave of his hand, "You could take out several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents," He added.

Farah shook her head, feeling rather overwhelmed at the moment. She had lost her best friend only a few months ago and now she was sitting in the Avengers compound being told she had powers. And on top of that, Tony fucking Stark was asking her to train with them. Farah just wished she could go back to her dorm room and crawl into her bed, hoping to wake up from whatever kind of dream she was in.

"I don't think I can do that," She said honestly, looking down at her hands. Farah hated making decisions, but she also felt stuck. Everything around her was moving so quickly and she just needed a moment to breathe. It was like she never got a chance to process anything.

Bruce looked at her, "Farah look at me," He said meaningfully. She followed his instructions, glancing up at him slowly. "We aren't going to lock you up, but another mishap like last night," Bruce said, "And someone else might."

She just stared at him, thinking for a moment. The last thing she ever wanted was to be stuck in some kind of prison, but part of her felt like that's where she belonged. She already killed people so what was stopping her from murdering others? Farah was scared, she had no idea what was happening to her and now she felt like she had to make a life-changing decision.

However, what scared Farah the most wasn't even the decision she was about to make. It was the fact that she had powers and couldn't control them. She couldn't shake that static feeling that had spread throughout all of her veins when she killed those boys. It intoxicated every bone in her body, it almost felt illuminating.

And that terrified her.

Farah nodded her head, knowing what her best option was. She fidgeted with her hand for a moment, looking between the men that were strangers to her. Anxiety filled her stomach as she bit the inside of her cheek.

For once in Farah's life, she decided to take a leap of faith. She had never been the outgoing and adventurous one, that had always been Malia. But Malia was dead and Farah felt like she owed it to her best friend to start taking more risks. So from that moment on, Farah promised herself that she would try to be a little more fearless like Malia.

She swallowed her spit and took a deep breath, looking at Tony. Farah sat up a little straighter, looking at him with newfound confidence. She gave him a slight head nod before speaking.

"Ok, I'll do it."


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