Chapter 80: The Pigeon

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GO READ MY REWRITES! People were bugging me that I haven't updated, BUT I HAVE! I wrote an entirely new Chapter 14 that is like 6k words long and added new scenes to a few other chapters (Only 1-15), so yeah...go check those out.

If you are reading just to make rude comments, clearly you have never written anything before. No one is forcing you to read this. Contructive criticism and just being a straight up asshole are two different things. Just remember, authors can see ALL of your comments.


Farah collapsed into the grass with a huff.

"Why did I agree to this?" She asked, trying to catch her breath. She could feel the spiky grass digging into her back, internally groaning because she knew it was just going to make her itchy later.

"I do not know," Wanda said bluntly, falling onto the grass next to her. They were both dripping sweat as the sun shone down on them. The two girls had just ran four miles straight and both of them felt like their lungs were going to explode.

"When you told me you wanted to run a 10k, I didn't think we were going to start off with FOUR MILES!" Farah exclaimed, looking over at her auburn-haired friend. Wanda just impatiently held up a hand to her, looking at the sky.

"Okay, so maybe," Wanda said, still trying to catch her breath, "It was too much, but we have to get into shape for this, we do not have that much time until the -shit what is the word?" She added, placing both of her hands on her stomach. Farah sighed, looking up at the clouds.

"Marathon, you meant marathon," Farah said to her as she took a deep breath. Wanda nodded her head, slightly sitting up and taking the ponytail out of her hair.

"At least it is for a good cause, yes?" Wanda asked, trying to make light of the fact that they had both overworked themselves. Farah nodded her head, agreeing with her.

A few days ago, Wanda had approached Farah hoping she would do a fundraiser with her for underfunded orphanages across the world. Now, Farah immediately said yes, she wanted to help these kids just as badly as Wanda, but Wanda neglected to tell her that the fundraiser was a six-mile marathon.

So, that's how the girls got there, now completely covered in grass. They were both in pretty good shape too, Farah often enjoyed going on runs, but nothing as intense as that. She had no idea how they were going to pull off running a 10k, but she knew Wanda and there was no way she was going to let Farah give up.

"Yeah, you're right, it is for a good cause I guess," Farah said, really wishing she had water. When Wanda had approached everyone else with the idea at an Avengers meeting, the majority agreed to do it. Clint, Natasha, and Sam had all said yes, though their training was going to be a lot less intense since the three were in great shape. Unfortunately, Pietro knew he couldn't participate because of his powers. He could attempt to run slow, but it was hard for him and he was more then happy to stand on the sidelines, handing out water a long with Steve who felt the same way.

The two laid in the grass, letting silence consume them. They didn't really care about not having a conversation going, it was comfortable enough that neither of them felt awkward.

After a few minutes, Wanda looked over at Farah. "So, you never told me how Montana was," She said to her. They had spent time together a couple of days ago, but they had mostly talked about Farah's recent mission. Farah sighed, scratching her face a little.

"Well, it was definitely...interesting?"

Wanda looked at her and raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure what that meant. Farah moved her head in the grass and glanced over at her, contemplating what to start with. She shrugged and decided to go with the blunt answer.

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