Chapter 7: The Sparring Partner

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The day after Farah decided to make herself Zeus, she finally met the rest of the Avengers.

It was strange for her. She luckily didn't shock anyone and no one asked her to use her powers, they all understood that they were hard for her to control. She assumed Tony had probably debriefed them on the fact that she could deep fry them at any moment.

Now, Farah had never really been into superheroes, but when she met Captain America, she held back her blush. Growing up, she didn't care much for the physically enhanced people that 'protected' the human race. She thought it was stupid and reckless, but something about Captain America really stood out to her.

Maybe it was his patriotism and the heroic way he cared for his country. Or maybe it was his ass. Yeah, it was probably his ass.

Besides Steve, Natasha and Bucky were really nice to her as well, they seemed to get her. Nat saw something in her that reminded her of someone she used to know when she was younger. She wasn't sure why, but she felt a need to take Farah under her wing.

Farah was surprised when she met Vision, he was very polite and kind, rather philosophical actually. But, after talking to Wanda she kind of assumed he was well...human. She wasn't one to judge of course, after all, Farah hadn't always made the best choices when it came to who she dated.

As for the rest of the Avengers, Farah had already met Clint, Bruce, and Tony. So, now she really only needed to meet Thor, who apparently was off in Asgard somewhere.

After they had all greeted each other, Cap called for a training session. Farah was honestly kind of nervous, she had taken some self-defense classes in high school, but that was about it. Her mom was always worried about her getting attacked in college by frat boys who couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Which is a little ironic considering she turned a few of them into deep-fried douchebags.

With a nervous sigh, Farah walked into the training room with her curly hair in two braids. She was wearing leggings, a sports bra, and a zip-up sweatshirt that was only halfway zipped. She glanced around and saw a few of the Avengers there along with some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. She spotted Wanda and walked over to her.

Wanda and Pietro were standing by the punching bags chatting about something. Wanda was wearing something similar to Farah, except her sweatshirt was completely unzipped and she was showing her mid-drift. Farah admired her confidence, it was refreshing to see someone who didn't care what other people thought. She gave her a small smile before looking over at Pietro.

He was wearing a pair of grey joggers and a tight-fitting navy blue shirt. Nothing was left up to the imagination as he brought his toned arms above his head to stretch his torso. His scraggly white hair was hanging over his eyes a bit as he talked to Wanda, hiding the glance he made at Farah. She hadn't noticed and was trying her best not to stare at him.

Farah turned around when she heard Cap begin to speak. "Alright everyone, I'm pairing you up today so you can spar together," Steve said looking around at everyone.

"And this means no powers," Natasha said loudly, finishing Steves sentence. "You all need to be able to fight without using your abilities as a crutch," Nat added, looking deliberately at the twins. Pietro rolled his eyes and Wanda just gave Natasha a bashful look.

"Alright," Steve said looking around. "Maximoff and Wilks, you two are paired together," He added promptly, looking at the two. As if on beat, Farah began to speak with a small smirk on her face.

"Which one? The jerk or the one who knows how to be a decent human being?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. She heard a few agents snicker, including Nat. Steve held back his own chuckle, it was common knowledge around the compound that Pietro always had a bit of an attitude.

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