Chapter 6: The Fried Shoe

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EDIT: There's a new scene at the end of this chapter for anyone rereading.

About a week had passed since Farah's strange encounter with Pietro and terrifying dream about Malia. Pietro was still being a snarky little bitch to her, but for some reason, Farah couldn't shake the feeling of him being so close.

As for the dreams, she still was having nightmares, and they kept getting more and more intense. Last night, she had one where she got struck by lightning and she could literally feel every single bone in her body burn. She hadn't been getting much sleep, so she had decided to find other things to keep her busy.

Luckily for her, Farah was still able to continue her schooling, it was just online. Tony had gone and talked to her Dean about everything and he was surprisingly understanding about it. Farah was excited, this meant she could continue her schooling and she would get to go to her graduation in the summer time.

Because Farah hadn't been sleeping, she used most of this time studying or taking walks around the compound. She was starting to feel more comfortable here, she didn't feel like she had to be a hermit anymore. Everything still reminded her of Malia though, it was kind of difficult to avoid that.

Whenever her emotions would run too wild, she would go for a jog. Now Farah had never really been into sports, but she always enjoyed running. She didn't have the build of an athlete, I mean she wasn't overweight but she had some meat to her bones, she was also pretty busty, but nothing unhealthy. She never really had an issue with the way she looked, Farah felt like it suited her.

So after a week of terrible dreams and schoolwork, Farah found herself running outside the compound at 5 am.  She had on running shorts, a zip-up jacket, and her favorite pair of running shoes. It was a nice day out, as she ran, she could see the sun beginning to rise.

She ran past some trees and recognized a path that her and Wanda had taken a few days ago. Farah found that whenever her and Wanda had free time, they would often spend it together. Of course, Pietro often followed along with Wanda, but Farah realized it was because he didn't have many other friends. It made sense though, the majority of the Avengers had been away on a mission so there really wasn't anyone else besides some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Farah was having a pretty good morning until she tripped over a rock while she was lost in thought. She stumbled forward and cut her hand and knee on some of the pebbles. She brushed it off and kept running. She had always been a bit queasy when it came to blood, so her best bet was to just ignore it.

Ever since Farah she was a child, she hated blood. She never knew why, but the site of the red substance always made her nauseous. When she was in high school she could never take part in any dissections. Even though she knew that she wouldn't see blood, she still felt like she would puke.

Now her hatred of blood was for a different reason altogether. Just like everything else, it reminded her of the night Malia died. The image of blood oozing out from her neck and forehead played in her head as she glanced down at her hands.

She shook her head and just kept running, ignoring the pain in her knee. She didn't want to think about Malia right now, but it was no use. She could feel her heartbeat in her head.

Thump-thump. Malia was dead. Thump-thump. Her throat had been slashed. Thump-thump. She couldn't be saved. Thump-thump. She didn't deserve to die. Thump-thump. Why couldn't she have been the one to survive? Thump-Thump.

Farah went on like this for a while until she had gotten so worked up that she felt all her bones turn into static. Out of nowhere, on a clear and sunny day, a bolt of lightning came from the sky and shot through Farah. Now, most people would have died at this, but it just energized Farah more. She felt herself accept the energy and it made a loud booming noise.

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