Chapter 9: The Cow Fields

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The day after the whole Katrina/Farah kicking Pietro in the balls fiasco, Farah found herself in her bathroom brushing her teeth. It was about 10 am and she had no plans for the day. She figured she'd probably find Wanda or something and go hang out around the compound.

She walked over to her dresser and threw on a pair of black ripped jeans and an oversized AC/DC shirt, looking down at herself with a sigh. She loved the whole band-tee look, but man she really needed some new clothes. Farah shook her head and put on a pair of sneakers before her attention was turned to the hallway. She peaked her head out, hearing shouting.

"Pe dracu, Pietro! Pe dracu!" Wanda yelled at her brother, Farah had forgetting that their rooms were pretty close to hers. Wanda turned on her heels and began to storm the other direction, towards Farah. Farah quickly shut her door so they didn't know she was listening, hearing Pietro walk off the other way, muttering something under his breath.

Farah stood there for a second contemplating what to do. She figured her best option was to go and see if Wanda was okay. So, she stepped out into the hallway and walked over to Wanda's room, knocking on the door.

The door flew open, Wanda controlling it with her powers. She was pacing around the room, clearly very angry for some reason. Farah kind of just looked around awkwardly and assumed that was her invitation in. She stepped into the room and gently sat down on the edge of the bed. Without prompting her, Wanda began to speak.

"Guess who gets to go on a mission today with Natasha and Clint??" She said passive-aggressively. "Pietro!" She added, throwing her hands up in the air. Farah was still confused but she figured it was best to just let Wanda rant.

"You know I work just as hard as him and I get half the cases he does. I know it is not his fault and yeah maybe my assets were not needed, but sometimes I swear it is because they are scared of me," Wanda rambled out. Farah was honestly just impressed she spoke that fully in English, completely understanding what she was saying. Wanda laid back on the bed next to Farah and covered her face with her hands.

"You know, maybe I am just reading too much into this," She said throwing her arms out onto the bed. Farah was finally about to speak when Wanda just kept on speaking. "I think I am just going crazy, training and training without using it on anything. I mean I know that one day I am going to have to fight, I just wish I could be more useful, I have been told I am pretty powerful," She said still rambling for a few more seconds. She finally stopped and there was a moment of silence.

Farah looked around at Wanda's room and then back down at her clothes. She then glanced over at Wanda who was laying on the bed, staring up at her ceiling fan.

"Hey, Wanda?" She said in a serious tone. Wanda looked over at her, "I need your help on a mission," She added with a slight smile. Wanda just looked confused so Farah began to elaborate.

"I realized I haven't left the compound since I've gotten here, and I need some new clothes," Farah said looking down at herself, "Maybe we could go out today, go shopping. I know it isn't exactly the same as kicking some people's asses, but it could still be fun," She added with a small shrug.

Wanda sat up and looked at her with a contemplating expression, having a day out did sound nice. If she went, she wouldn't have to sit around and wait for Pietro to get back. She smiled at Farah, "Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun," Wanda said, but then she stopped herself, having a realization, "Wait a minute, are you even allowed to leave?"

Farah furrowed her eyebrows, she actually didn't know. When Tony offered her a place here, he never exactly mentioned if she was confined to the compound. She was 22 so it wasn't like he could legally keep her here, but she also knew that she still couldn't control her powers and that everyone here was trying to protect innocent civilians. Farah sighed figuring it couldn't hurt to ask.

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