Chapter 32: The Black Eye

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Ok, there's no smut in this chapter but I PROMISE there is some coming soon.


The day after everything went to shit, Farah was in the training room with the other Avengers and some agents.

Natasha was holding a training session and Farah definitely did not want to be there. Pietro and Wanda seemed to have made up, it was hard for the twins to stay mad at each other, but Wanda still had some resentment towards Farah.

Farah sighed and glanced around the room, trying to take her mind off of Wanda. She met eyes with Thor and internally scoffed. Yeah, not exactly what she had in mind. She was grateful when Nat began to assign partners, or at least she was at first.

"Alright, Wilks, you're with Maximoff" Natasha said looking at Farah, "And I mean the weird one, not the fast one" She added.

Farah held back her groan. She looked over to Wanda who seemed to be in the same boat as her. Neither of them wanted to fight each other today.

Pietro widened his eyes as he watched the two walk over to a mat and he walked over to Clint, whom he was partnered with. "Yeah, I do not think that is going to end well," Pietro said looking over to Clint.

He nodded and looked over at Pietro, "One of them is going to end up with a black eye, and I suspect it's not going to be your sister." He said. Pietro sighed and shook his head.

Wanda and Farah both got into a fighting stance, fists in the air. Farah threw the first hit, but Wanda dodged it.

It made sense why Nat had paired them up together. Farah was still pretty new to combat, and she was getting better, but combat was not Wanda's strong suit. She was definitely the most powerful Avenger, she just hated actually making physical contact in order to hurt people.

Wanda began to throw kicks and punches at Farah, dodging most of them, but not all. The girls began to get very worked up towards each other, and things began to get intense. Farah was honestly just proud of herself that she didn't electrocute Wanda. Wanda however, was getting a little too into the sparring.

The thing about Wanda is that she is a very trusting person when it comes to her friends. She had forgiven Pietro, but she still felt like she was betrayed. She really didn't want to be fighting Farah right now. Honestly, Wanda just wanted time and space to eventually get over everything.

But for some reason, as she stood there sparring with Farah, she just felt really angry. And so, caught up in the moment, Wanda found her fist going straight to Farah's eye.

Farah took a few steps back, groaning in pain. Wanda could definitely pack a punch. Farah had a grimace on her face and she removed her hand from her eye, finding blood on it. Wanda had managed to give her a black eye and a cut on her eyebrow. Now, Farah was pissed and Wanda just looked horrified.

"You fucking bitch" Farah said a bit too loudly, getting the attention of some others.

"Farah, I am so sorry," Wanda said putting a hand over her mouth. She truly did feel terrible. Wanda hated hurting people, it was the last thing she ever wanted to do. She knew that sparring was meant to train each other, not actually cause damage.

Wanda was kind, she wasn't someone who would punch away her feelings. When she and Pietro were younger, she used to make him help her build pathways on the sidewalks for caterpillars so people wouldn't step on them. It just wasn't in her nature to cause things pain, she really had no idea what came over her.

Farah, on the other hand, was really pissed off. Now it could be said that Farah was always angry, but now that her powers were growing, she was a big threat. She was about to lunge at Wanda when she felt hands wrap around her waist. She began to struggle to be let go, Farah was really worked up.

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