Chapter 82: The Graduation

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature and sexual content. 18+ content.

This chapter is almost 10k words...there are GOING to be typos.


Farah woke up from a dead sleep to see a man standing at the foot of her bed.

She gasped and scurried back on her sheets, reaching her hands out to try and electrocute the man. For some reason, nothing came out of her fingertips, the static feeling that she usually had was completely absent from her body.

Farah glanced down at her hands in confusion as the man walked further into view. The moonlight from outside was the only thing illuminating his face. He had long brown hair and a few scars on his lip, looking to be in his early 30's. She couldn't help but notice the way his silver eyes glowed in the dark.

But then she realized something when an odd, familiar feeling washed over her.

She had seen him before.

It was in a dream a while back, one that stuck with her for weeks. She could vividly remember watching Pietro live life without her while she was stuck being young forever. But that wasn't the only thing she remembered from it. The man in front of her had shown up in the end, she just had no idea why.

"Hello Farah," The man said, walking closer to the edge of her bed. Farah narrowed her eyes at him, pulling the sheets up closer to her body. For some reason, she felt rather calm as she glanced around her room. Nothing in there seemed very real, almost like everything was frozen in time.

"Is this a dream?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows, looking at the man with silver eyes. Farah wanted to feel anxious in this moment, she just physically couldn't. It was like there was some kind of suppressor on her emotions.

"Something like that," The man said, walking over to her window and glancing out of it. As he did this, Farah noticed he was wearing a cloak wrapped around his body. It was a dark, maroon color that had some kind of intricate design stitched into it. Farah could have sworn he hadn't been wearing it a second ago, but then again she had no idea what was going on.

"Who are you?" She asked curiously, trying to move like she had before. When she attempted to get up, she found her body frozen in place. It was almost like she was paralyzed, her body not cooperating with her. The man turned and looked at her, a devilish smile on his face.

"I'm sure you've heard of me," He said, leaning against the windowsill with an amused look on his face. Farah furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, then it all began to make sense. The cloak he was wearing should have given it away immediately, but Farah had just been woken up out of a dead sleep so her detective skills weren't exactly quick.

"You're Haaken, aren't you?" Farah said as she felt her entire mouth go dry. For some reason, she had never thought that he had been the one in her dream, but it made sense. It was almost like he had wanted her to see her future. Now she couldn't help but wonder if he had anything to do with her nightmare about being torched at the stake.

"Ah, I see your father has been teaching you well," Haaken said to her, taking a few steps towards her bed. "I am sure he's been plaguing your mind with poisonous words about me, senseless gods tend to do that, so let me tell you why I am here, Farah," He added rather eloquently, the words rolling off the tip of his tongue. He had an accent to his voice, but Farah couldn't quite pinpoint where exactly it was from. She simply narrowed her eyes at him, curious as to what he was going to say.

"I want you to join me."

Farah blinked at him with a baffled expression. All these months she had assumed they were trying to kill her, but in reality, they were attempting to recruit her. She shook her head, "What?"

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