Chapter 14: The Twins Birthday

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This chapter is brand new! I went through and did rewrites and made the decision to add an entirely new chapter. If you are rereading, you need to read my rewrites for chapters 6,8, and 13 to fully understand this. Thanks for reading! (Ignore the spelling errors)


Wanda abruptly opened her eyes when she felt something jump onto her bed.

"Happy birthday!!" Farah practically yelled as she jumped onto the end of Wanda's bed. Wanda simply groaned, wishing she had remembered to lock her door last night. She looked over at Farah who was kneeling at the end of her bed, holding a plate of pancakes.

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the time then back at Farah, rubbing her eyes gently. "What is the date?" Wanda asked, still half asleep. Farah tilted her head at her like it was obvious.

"It's the tenth," Farah said with a small smile, her expression then fell, "Wait it is your birthday, right?" She asked all of a sudden worried she had gotten the date wrong. Wanda sat up and looked at Farah, nodding her head.

"Oh yes, I guess it is," She said with a sigh, looking forward at the girl in front of her. Wanda couldn't help but smile a little at Farah, seeing her holding a stack of fluffy brown pancakes on a plate. There was a small slab of butter on the top that was slowly melting into the delicious dough below.

"Did you make me those?" Wanda asked with a raised eyebrow, her lips quirking up in the corners. Farah had a contemplating expression on her face.

"Uh technically no," Farah said honestly, "I may or may not have watched Clint and Natasha make them," She added with a slight laugh, scratching the back of her neck. She had never exactly been good at cooking. But, that didn't stop her from wanting Wanda to have a perfect day. Ever since she was a little girl, Farah had loved birthdays. She loved to celebrate people, but she often forgot that not everyone shared that opinion about the anniversary of their birth.

"Wait, Clint and Natasha made these? For my birthday?" Wanda asked in her Sokovian accent, her face falling a little. Farah gave her a concerned look, hoping she hadn't done anything wrong. After all, she hadn't known Wanda for very long so she hoped that her surprising her wasn't weird. She simply nodded her head.

Wanda just gave Farah another small smile and gratefully took the pancakes from her, a little annoyed at Nat and Clint. The two knew the twins hated their birthday and despised being celebrated, so the fact that they clearly told Farah it was when it was really pissed Wanda off. She wasn't mad at Farah of course, she just wished Clint and Natasha had kept their mouths shut.

"Thank you, Farah," Wanda said in a rather melancholy tone, looking down at the food in front of her. She couldn't help but think about her mother and how she would wake her and Pietro up on their birthdays every year, singing happy birthday with a plate full of breakfast in her hand. She gave the pancakes a sad expression, no one had ever woken her up on her birthday like this since her parents died, not even Vision.

Farah noticed the look on her face and gently reached a handout, placing it on Wanda's arm. "Are you alright?" She asked in a concerned yet gentle tone, hoping her friend was okay. Wanda glanced up at her, her eyes a little watery. She internally cursed herself, hating when she got emotional in front of other people.

Wanda sighed and nodded her head, "Yes, I just uh, I do not like my birthday, that is all," She said as she watched Farah's face contort into a guilty expression. She opened her mouth to say something but Wanda cut her off with her hand.

"It is okay though, I appreciate the pancakes, this is just always a hard day for me," Wanda added honestly, picking a small piece of pancake up with her hand and eating it. Farah nodded her head, not entirely sure what to say. It didn't even cross her mind as a possibility that Wanda might have not wanted to be celebrated.

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