Chapter 38: The Green Dress, Part 2

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WARNING: This chapter contains some mild sexual content(not really) and depicts alcohol and drinking. 18+ content.

After her hot sex with Pietro, Farah went to the bathroom to freshen herself up and pee.

As she flushed the toilet, Farah caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and she widened her eyes. Her hair looked like a rat's nest, there was mascara smudged on her cheek, and she had lipstick all over her mouth. Farah couldn't help but laugh at how absolutely ridiculous she looked.

Her face turned into a bittersweet smile as she thought about how proud Malia would have been to know that Farah just had sex in a hallway. She sighed and fixed herself up. She jumped slightly when she heard a knock on the door so she hurried up. Now her hair was a little different than before, but she looked normal other than that. Farah opened the door and held back her eye-roll.

"Oh, it's you," The babbling brunette said, looking her up and down. Farah was cursing Pepper in her mind for extending an invite to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. She sighed and looked at Katrina, who was now blocking her way out of the bathroom.

"What do you want Katrina," Farah said looking at her, pretty unamused. Katrina just leaned against the doorframe and looked Farah up and done. She smirked a bit.

"So I heard you and P-Bear are getting pretty serious," Katrina said, causing Farah to try not to gag at that nickname.

She just rolled her eyes, "Katrina, I really am not interested in your high school drama" Farah said pushing past her, "We are adults, start acting like one and get over the fact that you and him broke up." she added as she began to walk down the hallway.

"Oh I am over him, but I don't think you're over me," Katrina said with a malicious smirk.

Farah was now really fucking confused and she turned to look at her. "Oh come on, you can't tell me that you haven't thought about the fact that everything he's done to you, he's probably done to me too."

Farah narrowed her eyebrows and just shook her head. God, Katrina was such a bitch and she really didn't want to give in, but now she was curious. Katrina just took a few steps towards.

"Does he call you Princessa and Draga?" She said taking a step forward, Farah didn't budge, Pietro was a flirty guy so he has probably called a lot of girls that. "Or what about right before you're about to have sex and he says that you are frumoasă" Katrina said walking even closer. Farah just bit the inside of her cheek. Katrina tilted her head and looked her up and down.

"Oh and don't forget when he tells you to grip the headboard," She said now maybe a foot away from Farah, "That he told me to do it first." Katrina added gently raising her eyebrow.

Farah didn't show it, but she was trying not to feel hurt. That had been a really intimate moment for her and she knew that Pietro had been with other girls, she just didn't think they would have such similar experiences.

"But don't be sad, Far-Far" Katrina said with a fake pout, "He's done that with dozens of other girls too" She said with a fake sigh. She put a fake smile on her face. "Well you enjoy the party!" Katrina added with a small wave before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

Farah just stood there for a second, processing what had just happened.

With a slight huff, she walked down the hallway and into the loud party. Farah only had one goal at the moment, and that was to get a drink. She really was trying to not let what Katrina had said get to her, but it was hard. Farah didn't care that he had been with others before her, what bothered her was how similarly he treated them. I mean she knew she was different to him, or at least she thought.

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