Chapter 36: The Cookies

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WARNING: This chapter deals with domestic/sexual abuse and child molestation, but very briefly. It also gets graphic and depicts vomiting and sickness. 18+ content.

Another meme from 2anxious4myowngood


Pietro, Wanda, and Clint had left for their mission about four hours ago and Farah was already bored.

After her meltdown, she had taken a much-needed nap and was now roaming the halls of the compound. She had studied for a bit but she was really in the mood for some social interaction.

As she walked down the halls she saw a familiar pink buzzcut so Farah ran up to her. Sasha turned her head and smiled at Farah. Dylan and Collin were walking with her as well and they waved over to Farah.

"Hey Farah, where have you been?" Sasha asked as she looked over at her. Farah glanced at Collin.

"Oh, so you didn't tell them about how you tried to get into my pants?" Farah asked him as she walked with the group to wherever they were going. Collin's face got flushed and he kind of scratched his neck.

"No, Rah, actually I didn't," Collin said looking at Dylan and Sasha. Both of them stopped and looked at him in horror. Sasha grabbed his arm and furrowed her pierced eyebrows at him.

"Collin, what the hell did you do?" Sasha said looking at him.

Collin just widened his eyes, he was honestly afraid of Sasha, "Uh well-"

"It's fine Sasha," Farah said putting her hand on the other girl's shoulder, "Collin got what he deserved and honestly it's not worth it." She added. Sasha sighed and looked back at Farah. Dylan just kind of stood there and looked over at Collin and shook his head. Farah was still rather uncomfortable with Collin, but she decided it would be fine if she wasn't alone with him.

Collin thought back to Pietro punching him and grimaced a bit. Let's just say, it's best to not piss Pietro off. Sasha sighed and looked over at Farah and held up a bag that was in her hand.

"Well, we were looking for food in the cafeteria and we found some cookies so we were going to go out into the woods and eat them" Sasha said twirling the bag around a bit, "it's kind of random but who the fuck cares" she added nonchalantly, "Wanna come?"

Farah just looked at the three, she didn't see how it could be a bad idea and she nodded. It was a little strange but she could also shoot electricity out of her hands, so how strange could it really be. "Yeah, sounds fun."

The three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents smiled a bit and they all began to walk out of the compound. The four of them fell into step together and began to chat about miscellaneous things. They began down a path that Farah had never been down before, but she trusted them.

They got to a clearing and Sasha sat up against a tree and tossed everyone a cookie. Farah caught one and sat down in the grass. She looked at the cookie and then back at everyone else.

"Just curious," Farah said raising an eyebrow, "Are these like weed cookies or something? Or is there another reason you decided to eat them out in the woods?" She added looking at the cookie skeptically.

Sasha shook her head and broke off a piece, "No" She said putting it in her mouth, "But I do have some weed stashed under my pillow" She added staring off into the distance. Farah nodded her head when Collin began to speak.

"We usually eat out here when we don't want to be heard" Collin said taking a bite of his cookie. He sat down next to Farah, "You should try it, it's pretty good." he added. She scooted away from him a bit as he did this.

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