Chapter 85: The Wall

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I'm in the process of moving and starting college so updates will probably be slow the next few weeks while I get adjusted :)

Also, ignore the typos...


"You know, when Stark said we had to train with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is not what I had imagined."

Farah looked over at Wanda and nodded along to the statement she had just made. She and the twins were standing outside the compound on the fields, looking at a giant military-style obstacle course that had been set up for the agents that worked on the compound. Every year they had an evaluation to see how well they could pass the course, it would test their balance, agility, and just overall strength.

After the whole incident with Peter, Farah and the Twins had been sent back to the compound a few days after Peter had woken up. They of course had wanted to stay, but everyone decided it would be best for them to give Peter some time to heal alone. Bruce was planning on transferring him to the compound, but his wounds still needed to heal a little more before that was possible.

"Well, he was pretty adamant about us learning to fight without our powers," Farah replied, looking out at the various tasks they were going to have to complete. There were barricades to climb and wires to crawl under, many activities that Farah was not looking forward to. She understood why they were out there with all the agents though, after all, she did still feel guilty about what happened to Peter so she accepted this as punishment.

"Alright," Maria Hill said, standing in front of all the agents and the three Avengers. They were all in a group and Pietro found himself glaring at a familiar redhead that was standing near him. Collin, Sasha, and Katrina were all next to each other, all occasionally whispering to one another when Maria wasn't looking. Dylan wasn't anywhere near them, standing on the far end of the clump by himself.

"The first part of the course is going to be done in pairs," Hill said to them all, looking at them with discipline in her eyes. She wasn't very thrilled to be there, usually, she didn't have to deal with training but the agent that usually dealt with it had fallen ill. "The goal is to finish all the obstacles before the other person next to you does. In theory, this will get your times up," She added in a rather monotone voice. Pietro just gave her a blank look and crossed his arms, genuinely hating the fact that they had to do this in the first place.

After a few more minutes of instructions, everyone was split into pairs and Farah groaned when she got stuck with Katrina. Luckily the two didn't have to work together since they were competing against each other, but Farah still wasn't happy about it.

The two of them walked closer to the obstacles, standing side by side. Farah now had a better look at what tasks they had to complete. It looked like there was going to be quite a bit of crawling through mud and hopping over fences. She wasn't exactly looking forward to it, but at least she had more motivation now. There was no way in hell she was going to let Katrina win.

"Oh, well if it isn't the Avengers reject," Katrina said in her shrilly voice. Farah simply rolled her eyes, not in the mood for her ridiculous comments. She just cracked her neck a little and stood in their starting position, looking over at Maria for a beginning signal. The dark-haired agent just looked down at her clipboard and stop-watch, bringing the whistle that she was wearing around her neck up to her lips.

She loudly blew the device, causing Katrina and Farah to begin bolting through the course. The first task they had to complete was a simple rope climb, their core and arm strength being tested. Farah got to the rope and began to climb it, her hands burning a little from the raw rope. She was rather out of breath as she attempted to ascend up it, her arms on fire by the time she got to the top. As she lowered herself down, trying her best to not look at the ground that was a solid ten feet below her, she watched as Katrina did the same, pretty much going at the same pace as her.

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