Chapter 13: The Toaster

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IF YOU JUST READ THESE, IT DIDNT ACTUALLY UPDATE! THESE are the rewrites, it made me create a whole new chapter, idk why. But go read chapters 6 and 8 before reading this one. If you're rereading, you'll notice I combined a few chapters and changed a couple of things, enjoy :)


Farah woke up the next morning with a blaring headache.

She felt like she was emotionally hungover, her mental capacity drained. She sat up in bed and checked her alarm clock, seeing that it was 12:30 pm. She widened her eyes, Farah never slept in that late.

She got out of bed and went to the bathroom, groaning when she looked in the mirror. Luckily, Wanda had helped her take off her makeup, but she was still in her mud-stained clothes from the night before. Her curly hair was a mess and she looked like she had just climbed out of a ditch.

Farah sighed and decided to take a hot shower, trying to scrub last night from her memories. She washed all the mud out from under her fingernails and hair, getting all the dirt out. She felt like she was purifying herself, letting all of her terrible night wash down the drain.

After being in there for half an hour, she got out and messily braided her hair, not wanting to deal with it. She then threw on an old sweatshirt and some leggings, ultimately wanting to feel comfortable.

Her stomach grumbled and she sighed, walking over to the door. She slipped on a pair of slippers and walked out of her room into the fluorescent lights of the hallway. Farah made her way to the kitchen and walked in, rubbing her head, not realizing that Wanda and Pietro were sitting at the table.

Farah shuffled over to the cabinet and pulled out a black ceramic bowl. Grabbing some Frosted Flakes, milk, and a spoon, she then walked over to the table, jumping a little when she saw the twins. She looked at the two, sitting down across from them. Wanda and Pietro didn't say anything, causing Farah to glance up at the two.

"What Speedy, not gonna tell me I look like shit?" She said, shoveling a spoonful of cereal into her mouth. She was honestly just in a bad mood and not in the right mind space for Pietro's snarky comments. Pietro kind of just looked at her, he had felt bad for her last night. It broke his heart to see her so upset.

He had this gut feeling inside him, one that wanted to go and kill the boy who had made her feel like that. Pietro's feelings weren't a mystery to him, he had been avoiding them for weeks and he felt like he had an epiphany last night. He just had no idea what to do with that realization.

Wanda cleared her throat, "Are you feeling better today?" She asked with a kind smile on her face. Farah looked over at her and shrugged.

"Yeah I guess, I honestly just wish last night had never happened" She added, moving her spoon around in her cereal, the milk almost spilling over the edge.

"What exactly happened last night?" Wanda asked gently, resting her head on her palm. She pretty much already knew about her being stood-up, but she didn't know much after that. Sure, she could have read Farah's mind, but Wanda promised her she wouldn't do that, and breaking her trust was the last thing she wanted to do.

Farah sighed, "Oh you know the usual date: He left me waiting there for an hour, blocked my number, I drove home without a roof in the pouring rain, and then I had to jumpstart the Mustang using my powers," Farah said with a sigh, "You know, the same old, same old," She said sarcastically, flinging a little cereal with her spoon. Pietro and Wanda both had baffled expressions on their faces, beginning to speak at the same time.

"He stood you up???"

"You jumpstarted a car???"

Farah answered Wanda's question first, "Yeah I can apparently jumpstart cars," She said eating more of her cereal. "I kind of just zapped it and then flew backward, that's why I was covered in mud," She added rather nonchalantly. Wanda looked at her kind of amazed, a little proud of her for using her powers.

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