Chapter 11: The Training Room

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Just like her feelings, Farah was good at avoiding people too.

It had been about five days since she had watched Katrina kiss Pietro and she had been steering clear of him and Wanda ever since. She wasn't even mad anymore, she just did this when she felt like people betrayed her trust. One time, in high school, Malia had asked out Jackson Smith when she knew that Farah liked him. Farah didn't speak to her for an entire month, but of course, they eventually made up.

Avoiding the twins wasn't as hard as Farah thought it would be. She just made sure that they had opposite schedules from hers. Farah also decided that she would spend her free time in Bruce's lab, which irked Bruce to no end. Don't get him wrong, he loved Farah, but he needed his own space if he didn't want to lose his temper.

So, Bruce politely kicked her out for the day, causing Farah to decide to do a full-body workout. She knew that the twins would be eating lunch at this point so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get some exercise in. She walked into the training room and found it empty, causing her to sigh in relief.

After a nice long warm-up, Farah walked over to one of the matts. She picked up a weighted disk and began to do crunches with it, really in the mood to feel her muscles burn. She was determined to get into shape, or at least into better shape than she was in. If she was going to be an Avenger, she needed to be strong and agile, not weak and uncontrollable. Unfortunately, about ten crunches later, Farah watched a blue blur run into the room.


Pietro looked like he had just taken a warm-up run and he was drenched in sweat already. He glanced over at Farah and they made eye contact, simply raising his eyebrows at her. Farah huffed a bit and went back to her crunches, not in the mood for his attitude. Pietro just smirked to himself and walked over to the weights, now about ten feet away from her.

Farah kept glancing over his way, not being able to keep her focus, but could you blame her? Pietro was wearing gym shorts and a dark grey muscle tee that had slits so far down the sides, you could pretty much see his whole chest. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him pick up a weight and start curling it.

Farah's breathing got heavy as she watched his arm tense and flex, the veins on his arms being extremely prominent. His white hair was wet with sweat and it was dripping onto his face. Pietro knew exactly what he was doing, he was trying to get her attention and it was obviously working.

She huffed a bit and began to do her crunches faster, sweat coming out of her forehead. Pietro glanced over and watched as she did them, trying not to stare himself. All she was wearing were really tight yoga pants and a blue sports bra, her mid-drift completely open and bare. Usually, she would dress a little more modestly, but she assumed she would be alone and that there wouldn't be anyone there to gawk at her.

Farah finished her crunches and set the weight down, tightening her shoelace a little. She wasn't in the mood to let him win and she was determined to finish her workout. She walked over to some exercise bands, tightening the ponytail that was holding her curly hair up. She tied the band between her legs and began to do squats, wanting to feel the extra resistance.

Pietro glanced over and had to do a double-take. He tried his best not to stare at her ass, but he found it extremely difficult to pry his eyes away. The pants she was wearing defined her curves perfectly and Pietro found himself wanting to walk over and feel every inch of her. He bit his lip a little and shook his head, shaking the thoughts from his mind.

Neither of them wanted to admit it, but they were incredibly turned on by each other.

Farah looked over her shoulder and saw Pietro put down his weight. She felt her teeth grind together as he pulled up the end of his shirt to wipe his forehead. She slowed her squats down as she saw his abs peek out from underneath his shirt, sweat dripping off of them. This wasn't the first time she had seen his upper body bare, but for some reason, she felt herself wanting to let her tongue glide along every crevice of his chest-

She shook her head and continued her workout, not wanting to have those thoughts about someone who was so rude to her, especially if he had a girlfriend. Farah took her exercise band off her legs and walked over to the treadmill, stepping onto it. It had been raining earlier so she didn't want to get drenched going on a run. She pressed a few buttons and the machine started, beginning at a light jog, gradually increasing.

Meanwhile, Pietro was walking towards the middle of the room, glancing at Farah every few seconds. His arms felt warmed up as he finished his curls, deciding he was going to do push-ups. So, he got on the ground and began his set, his nose barely touching the floor every time he went down.

Farah looked over and stared for a bit, his head was facing the floor so it wasn't like he could see her. Or at least she hoped.

She watched his back muscles move, it was like they were perfectly etched into his body. They moved with such rhythm that Farah found herself almost hypnotized by them. The sweat mixed with the occasional groan he made caused Farah to get completely sidetracked by him. She felt her hands start to tingle and she quickly looked down.

Purple lightning was starting to appear on her hands and she quickly stopped the treadmill. She hopped off and grabbed her water before hurrying out of the training room, not wanting to hurt anyone. Luckily for Farah, her powers had calmed down as she left, the static slowly fading away.

Pietro saw her leave and quickly followed after her, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "Wait Zappy, can we talk?" He asked as he grabbed her arm, wanting to have a conversation with her. Farah turned and faced him, secretly liking the way his warm skin felt on hers.

"I'm really not in the mood, Maximoff," She said, shaking her head with a sigh. Pietro was about to say something before she spoke again. "Look I was a little upset the other day because both you and Wanda lied to me about Katrina and I just needed a little time to blow off steam. I really don't care anymore and I was going to go find Wanda and talk to her anyway," She rambled off, pulling her arm away from Pietro, both of them instantly missing the feeling of their skin touching.

"And if you're happy with Katrina," Farah said beginning to walk in the opposite direction, "Then that is great, just don't lie to me about it next time," She said with a small smile before completely walking away from him and down another hallway.

"Wait, Princessa that isn't-" Was all Pietro could say before Farah was gone. Granted, he had super speed so he could chase after her and explain, but he got the feeling she wanted to be alone.

Pietro just shook his head and glanced back over his shoulder, his mind felt fuzzy and confused. What was she doing to him? He leaned his head against the wall, hating the fact that she made him feel that way. He had a bad reputation when it came to women and the last thing he wanted to do was make Farah a part of that.

Writing this chapter made me lmfao but it was fun so...yeah


(Edit: I'm editing this at 315k reads wtf that's insane)

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