Chapter 64: The Loopiness

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Farah woke up to sunlight hitting her face.

She sat up in Pietro's bed and looked around, having a slight headache from being so emotional the night before. Her eyes were puffy from crying so she just gently rubbed them. Farah glanced over at the alarm clock and saw that it was already noon.

She then furrowed her eyebrows and looked next to her, completely forgetting the fact that she was in Pietro's room. She was surprised to not wake up next to him, but she supposed it was the afternoon so he may have already gotten up.

After Farah's hysteria last night, she had completely passed out so she didn't even feel or remember Pietro getting up. She sighed and got out of his bed, really needing an Aspirin.

Farah left Pietro's room and walked into her own, getting ready for her day. She decided she would train a little, after all, she was supposed to have her evaluation with Steve soon.

She really wanted to prove herself so she figured it wouldn't hurt to get in a few hours in the training room. Farah put on some leggings a tank top, tying up her hair as she walked back out of her room.

As she walked to the training room, she stopped by the kitchen to see if she could find Pietro. She was starting to get a bit skeptical because she hadn't seen him, Wanda, Clint, or Natasha.

Farah glanced in and saw Bruce making something in the microwave. She stuck her head through the doorway and knocked on the wall, getting Bruce's attention. He looked at her, pushing his glasses up a little.

"Hey, have you seen the Maximoffs?" Farah asked curiously and Bruce shook his head as the microwave beeped.

"No, Nat and Barton took them on a mission pretty early this morning, they should be back later today I think," Bruce said, taking his food out and blowing on it since it was a little too hot.

Farah furrowed her eyes brows and nodded her head, "Oh okay, uh thanks," She said before walking down the hallway again.

She was a little confused, she had hoped that Pietro would have woken her up if he was going to leave on a mission. She would have at least liked to say goodbye but she just sighed and shook her head.

Farah continued down the hallway and took a deep breath as she reached the doors to the training room. She walked in and let out a sigh of relief as she saw it was empty.

She ran on the treadmill for about 20 minutes, just trying to get her body warmed up so she didn't tear any muscles.

Now, Farah was throwing hits to a punching bag, trying her best to land solid punches. She let out a huff as she felt like she was struggling to hit it properly.

"Try to add a little more power with your bicep," A voice from behind her said.

Farah glanced over her shoulder to see the God of Thunder watching her train. She just looked at him and then back at the punching bag. She did what he said and watched as a little bit of electricity came out of her hand as her skin made contact with the bag.

Thor walked further into the room and began to analyze her technique. He walked behind the bag and held it so it didn't swing as much. Farah was honestly confused as to why he was helping her but she honestly didn't feel like stopping him.

"Now when you pull your arm back, use that momentum," Thor said to her. She listened to what he was saying and as she hit the bag, a wave of electricity came out of her hand. Thor took a few steps back, nodding his head in surpisement.

"That was a good hit, Lady Farah," He added, looking at the bag. Farah was sweaty at this point and she wiped her forehead with her shirt.

"Why do you call me that?" She asked curiously, a little out of breath. She wasn't really in the mood to deal with Thor today, but it was clear that she didn't really have a choice. Thor looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

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