Chapter 28: The Ice Cream

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WARNING: This chapter contains mature and sexual content. 18+ content.

Also I was procrastinating studying for a calc test last night and I made a collage^

AND your guys comments have been making me cackle, so thank you!


Even though Farah and Pietro were now committed to each other, they still didn't tell anyone else.

The majority of the Avengers suspected that they were seeing each other, some just chose not to believe it, one of those being Wanda. Farah had told Wanda that she was seeing a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and she believed her. She didn't think that her friend and brother would lie to her, so she chose to believe they were telling the truth.

It was Peter's last night on the compound so him, Farah, Pietro, and Wanda, were all sitting at the kitchen table playing a game.

"A-ha! Oxford Street!" Farah said with a smug grin on her face. "Time to pay up Parker" she said looking at Peter. He groaned and handed her the Monopoly money. Peter was sitting cross from Farah, next to Wanda. Farah heard Pietro speak from her right side.

"Hey, do not be a poor loser bug-boy, you could have had that property" He said pointing to the game board. Peter snarled at Pietro jokingly and Wanda shook her head. They continued to play for a while when Wanda decided to act like a mean older sister.

"So did Peter tell you all...he has a date, with a real girl" She said raising her eyebrows.

Farah let out an "Oooooooo" and Peter just blushed. "Wanda" he said annoyed and looking over at her.

"Oh come on Parker, tell us about her, we won't judge," Farah said, then she stopped, "Actually he might," She said pointing over to Pietro. Pietro shrugged as if what she was saying wasn't false. Peter sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh-uh well, her name is MJ." Peter said looking at them, "She's pretty cool and uh actually she asked me out" he said looking down. Farah heard Pietro stifle a laugh.

She turned her head and smacked him on the shoulder. "Stop it," She said glaring at him, "I happen to think that is very sweet." Farah said to Peter.

Peter smiled a bit and began to go on about MJ and how they met. Farah was listening when she felt a hand touch hers. She glanced down and Pietro had interlocked their hands. Farah just smiled a bit to herself. She was pretty sure Wanda and Peter hadn't noticed.

They kept their hands like that for a while, Pietro occasionally rubbing small circles with his thumb on the back of her hand. Farah liked the contact, it felt right.

"So since we are on the topic" Wanda said, "Farah, how is your S.H.I.E.L.D. boyfriend?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows a bit. Pietro pulled his hand away from Farahs and she felt her face get red. "Oh uh, he's good you know, haven't really seen him much lately." She said trying to play it cool.

Wanda raised an eyebrow, "Oh come on, you cannot tell me that you have not been hooking up with him" She said. Pietro was playing it cool, even though he felt jealous towards someone who didn't even exist.

Farah let out a nervous chuckle, "Ok, well yeah maybe we have been" she said looking at Wanda, "But I don't feel the need to share my sex life with these two" Farah added, referring to Pietro and Peter.

Wanda shook her head with a smile, "Fine, fine" She said looking down at her Monopoly money. After that conversation, things in the game became more heated. Something that Farah learned about Wanda is that she is very competitive.

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