Chapter 5: The Cup

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Farah's first couple of days on the compound were hectic.

All of her things were retrieved from her college in Massachusetts and her room here began to feel more like home. One day she was unpacking a couple of boxes when the Maximoff twins decided to pay her a visit.

She was folding clothes when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Farah yelled mindlessly. She enjoyed organizing, it was the one thing in her life she felt she could control. Farah used to ask Malia if she could clean out her closet for her whenever she got stressed. It was just an endorphin release for her.

She looked up from her giant pile of clothing and saw Wanda and Pietro walking into her room. She was happy to see Wanda, Pietro not so much. For the past two days, he had been purposely trying to get on her nerves. It also didn't help that Farahs powers were starting to become more uncontrollable. She had to buy a new electric toothbrush because she accidentally fried the one she had.

"Hey Farah," Wanda said, walking in. She sat down on the edge of her bed and Pietro simply walked in without greeting her. Like a Jackass.

Farah furrowed her eyebrows as the speedster started to look at her things. She shook her head and turned her attention back to Wanda. "What's up?" She asked as she began to fold an old Bon Jovi shirt.

"Piet and I were going to go watch a movie and we were wondering if you wanted to join," Wanda said with a kind smile on her face as Pietro glanced over his shoulder.

"You were wondering" He corrected, looking around at Farah's things and picking up her items. Wanda frowned at him and Farah rolled her eyes. She looked around at the piles of laundry she had sorted through.

"Yeah, you know I suppose I could use a break," Farah said looking at Wanda. "I still have another three hours worth of laundry to do-"

She was cut off by Pietro who was holding up a picture frame. He must have opened one of her boxes that she was going to put in her closet. Farah then realized what picture he was holding up.

Her blood ran cold.

"Put. That. Down." Farah said practically hissing at him. Pietro obviously didn't take that seriously as he continued to inspect the picture.

"Hey who is this brunette?" He asked with a mischievous smirk. Farah could feel her hands beginning to tingle, Wanda noticing this too.

"Pietro," Wanda said as a warning, looking at her brother sternly. Pietro being the dumbass he was decided to ignore this while Farah began to walk towards him.

"I mean she is really cute, maybe you could give me her number-" He said cockily before he was cut off by Farah grabbing the picture frame from him. Her hands were producing a lot of electricity at this point and she ended shocking him.

Pietro jumped back a bit, a few of the hairs on his head standing up. Farah felt a bit triumphant at that, but she was mostly angry and frustrated. She looked down at the picture and back at Pietro.

"If you EVER say something like that again about this girl," She said pointing at Malia in the picture. She took a step towards him so that their faces were closer. She could feel the waves of electricity forming in her hand, "I will actually kill you".

Now Pietro was intimidated by this, but he also had never been that close to Farah's face before and he noticed a slight smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks. He blinked himself out of that thought and backed away from her.

The room was silent, Wanda still was sitting on the edge of Farah's bed. Pietro left quickly, muttering something in Romanian under his breath.

Farah made a fist with her hand and unclenched it. She gently set the picture frame down, back in the box Pietro had gotten it from. She turned on her heels and was surprised to find Wanda still sitting there.

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