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Your pov

"Mom i dont need a babysitter! I'm 16!" I yell.

"And irresponsible." Mom says.

I groan and roll my eyes. I slam my door and sit on my xbox. 10 minutes pass and my dad walks in.

"Whadya want."

"She's here."

He turns off my xbox and basically drags me downstairs. I sit on the solo chair and play on my phone.

"She's not very happy with us. The only reason she needs a babysitter is cos she's irresponsible." Mom says.

"I can hear you!"

They leave.

"Assholes." I mutter.

"Hey." She says.

"What." I say.

"I'm Lauren." She says.

I look at her and-

Holy. Shit.

She smiles and holds her hand out. I shake it.

"I'm Y/n."

She smiles again.

"You dont have to tell me your name. Your mom and dad already did."

I nod.

"Fuckin idiot of course they told her your stupid name"

"So, what do you wanna do?" Lauren asks.

I shrug.

"How bout, we make somd popcorn and watch a few movies?" Lauren suggests.

"That actually sounds pretty fun." I say.

The doorbell rings. Lauren frowns.

"Lemme get it."

I go open the door and push my friend out.

"Bit rude."

"You have to go. My parents got me a fucking babysitter."

My friend groans and rolls her eyes.

"You need to be more fucking responsible asshole!"

She shoves me. I shove her back.

"I'll see you tomorrow you fucking donkey." She says.

I roll my eyes. She walks off and i walk back inside.

"So why was your friend here?" Lauren asks.

"Well- see- that's- long story."

"We have till tomrrow." Lauren says.

"Fine. I invited her over to do drugs. It's an us thing."

Lauren rolls her eyes. She pulls me into the room and shoves me onto the couch and goes into the kitchen.

"Why does everyone i know feel the need to shove me?!" I yell.

"Cos you're an idiot who needs shoving!" Lauren yells.

"That's so rude." I mutter.

I wont lie, Lauren is very hot. I cannot be allowed to think that.

Lauren sits down and swats my head.

"Okay that was just rude." I say, rubbing the sore spot on the back of my head.

"It was deserving." Lauren says.

We decide on watching Harry Potter. Sometime in the movie, we decide to get a little bit comfier. Which results in her laying between my legs and against me. The popcorn bowl in her hands.

"So how old are you?" I ask.


I frown. That's not gunna be good. What the hell do i mean?!

Sometime in the movie, i think she falls asleep. She's genuinely the prettiest person i have ever met.

I notice a smile creep up onto her face. I definitely said that out loud.

"Why you smilin?" I ask.

"You said it outloud." Lauren says.

"Fucking knew it." I say.

She sits up and the bowl of popcorn goes everywhere.

"Fuck it!"

I laugh.

"You coulda warned me y'know!"

I laugh again.

We start cleaning up the mess. We put the popcorn from the floor into the bin and stand in the kitchen.

"What time is it?"

"10pm." I say.

She nods. About 10 minutes of a weird and awkward silence, she looks at me.


"I'm gunna regret this later."

She walks up to me and kisses me. I stand there for a second not knowing what to do. I'm gunna make a decision. I kiss back.

She immediately pulls back.


"We kissed."


"Oh my god!"

She freaks out.


She looks at me. I kiss her again. She almost instantly kisses back. Then she pushes off.

"No we cant do this Y/n. It's wrong."

"Then why'd you kiss me in the first place? And why'd you kiss back just now?"

"I dont know!"

"I think you do. But you dont wanna admit it cos it's kinda illegal."

"There's no 'kinda' about it." Lauren says.

"But you know why you kissed back."

She nods.

"Then, if you know why, do it again."


"Do it again." I say.

She spends no time thinking and kisses me. I smile and kiss back. This should be a pretty interesting story.

And it kinda was cos literally 2 years later, my mom walked in on is doin it in my room. She screamed and almost passed out.

We had to explain what was going on and to say it was awkward was a serious understatement.

Cheeky lil update for yall still reading :)

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