Daughter's best friends mom pt 2

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Friday night

At your house, you're getting ready for this date with Lauren. Neither of you are going to overly fancy.

You take Cami to your moms house and go to Lauren's place. You knock and stand against the wall facing the door.

The door opens and Lauren is stood there in a black dress. Your eyes widen.


"You look beautiful." You say.

She goes red and smiles.

"Thank you. You look amazing." Lauren says.

You smile.

You two go to your car.

"So, what we do tonight is completely up to you." You say.

"That is a lot of pressure. I dont wanna pick something you dont wanna do." Lauren says.

"Honestly, i dont mind what we do. Trust me, I've been bored out my mind all week. At this point we could go watch paint dry and i would be entertained." You say.

Lauren laughs.

"Honestly same to be honest. My child is always in her room on the phone to your child." Lauren says.

You laugh.

"Okay how about we go watch a movie?" You say.

"That sounds good." Lauren says.

At the movie theater, you two decide on Harry Potter since its being reshowed in the theater's.

You two sit at the back and share popcorn. Some time during the movie, you both end up holding hands. After the movie, you both end up goin to pizza hut.

After that, you two go to your favourite spot. On the top of an incredibly abandoned building and watching the sunset.

"How many stairs are in the damn building?" Lauren asks.

"There's 3 floors." You say.

"3 too many." Lauren says.

You laugh.

Once on the roof, you both sit and dangle your feet over the edge.

"Y'know, i was gunna complain that we had to walk up 3 flights of stairs but this makes up for it." Lauren says.

You laugh. She lays her head on your shoulder and lets out a content sigh.

"I think you got considerably lucky matching me on there. I never ever use the app. I got bored." You say.

"Yeah i was only on there cos my daughter was 'tired of me complaining about being single and doing nothing about it'. Those were her words." Lauren says.

You laugh.

"I only have it on my phone cos my daughter stole my phone while i was in the garage training. I genuinely had no idea either."

"How'd you figure out?" Lauren asks.

"I got matched. My daughter's fault. She swiped right on someone and they swiped me too. We didn't get along very well. It was funny to be honest." You say.

Lauren laughs.

"All I'll say is she got grounded for like a month." You say.

"Oh yeah cos that was around the time Lillie and Cami fell out cos Cami didn't talk to Lillie."

"They fell out?"

"Yeah. She didn't say anything?" Lauren asks.

"My child never tells me anything." You say.

"Yeah neither does mine. I only found out cos she was in a horrible mood." Lauren says.

You nod. When the sun sets, you stand up and hold our hand out for Lauren to take. She takes it and stands up. You two are stood very very closely.

She kisses you. You kiss back and smile. When she pulls out, she smiles.

"Usually, i dont kiss people on the first date." You say.

"Why am i so different then?" Lauren asks.

"Cos you're drop dead gorgeous. And i actually really like you." You say.

A blush finds it's way to Lauren's face. She tries to hide her face. She tries to move her head to your shoulder but you cup her cheeks.

"You dont have to hide your face. Your face is beautiful." You compliment.

"Stop it! I'm gunna look like a tomato!"

You laugh.

"I mean you kinda do already look like a tomato." You say.

She swats your shoulder and you laugh. You two share another kiss before you both call the date to a finish and go pick up your children.

When you're back at home, you feed your child and then she goes upstairs. You go into the garage and use the gym. Your phone rings. It's a facetime call from Lauren. You answer and keep doin what you're doin.

"Hey. You okay?" You ask.

"Yeah. Are you at a gym?" Lauren asks.

"No i have a gym in my house."

You drop from the pull up pole. You sit on a chair.

"So what's up?"

You two spend a good hour talking. Laughing and joking. Before she has to go. You go shower and get into bed.

You're excited for what's to come for yours and Lauren's future.

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