Are you going to leave me?

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You're sat on your desk chair your next book. Lauren is sat in between your legs. Most people would find it awkard to write like this. But you dont. You love it.

Lauren's lately been getting a lot of nagging doubting thoughts about how much you love her. She's not been sleeping properly because of it.

You've noticed how tired she's been lately. But when you ask, she just says that she cant sleep well. Since you can tell she never wants to talk about it, you just drop it.

You never know when to ask her about it. If you ask her too much, she'll get snappy about it. And that's the last thing you want.

But she can't drop it. She can't shake the feeling, deep down, that you're going to leave her. And she doesn't want that. She'd hate it if you left her.

But you never would. She knows that you'd never dream of leaving her. But there's always that one thought...

While you write the story, she feels a tear sting her eyes. You notice her try to sneakily wipe away the tears from each eye.

You're definitely not dropping this one. You stop writing and hug her. Tightly. She hugs back and feels herself breaking. You hold her while she breaks down in your arms.

When she stops crying, she stands up out of your arms and sits on the bed. You join her.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"Nothing baby. I'm just-"

"Dont tell me you're just tired Lauren. You never cry when you're just tired. Tell me the truth. Dont think I'm dropping it either." You say.

She looks at you. Whenever you speak with a serious tone in your voice, Lauren knows that you're not joking. She knows that you're getting answers. You see tears roll down her face. You cup her cheeks and wipe them away.

"Whatever it is Lauren, i wont look at you any different okay? You'll always be my girl. I'll always love you." You say.

She nods. 10 minutes pass before she can muster up the courage to ask you.

"Are you going to leave me?" She asks.

"What?" You ask.

"Are you going to leave me?" She asks.

"No. Absolutely not. I'd never leave you." You say.

"Sorry." She says.

"Hey. Hey, dont apologise for that. You dont need to be sorry. We all get thoughts like that. I'm not mad at you. You have every right to get thoughts like that after the last asshole you dated. But i promise you, I'm nothing like her. I wont leave you. You're stuck with me." You say.

She smiles a little.

"How about, i call it quits with my book for tonight and we just relax. I order us a takeaway. We eat it up here. Watch a movie together. Just chill." You suggest.

She smiles and nods.

"That sounds perfect." She says.

You smile. You plant a soft kiss on her lips and start saving your book. Lauren gets into bed and sits crisscross applesauce under the covers.

It seems as if that lingering thought of you leaving her has gone. When the food turns up, you bring it upstairs.

After about 2 hours, Lauren is sound asleep cuddled into your side. You smile.

"I love you princess." You whisper.

You place a soft kiss on her forehead and go to sleep.

Thoughts? Byeee

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now