Favourite band

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Lauren is stood in the front row with the girls waiting for their favourite band in the entire world to come out.

"This is gunna be amazing!" Dinah exclaims.

"How did you manage to get us front row tickets Al?" Normani asks.

"I spoke to the lead guitarist. She gave me the tickets for free but i gave her $300 just cos i felt bad for taking free tickets." Ally says.

"The lead guitarist as in Y/n Y/l/n, Lauren's celebrity crush?" Camila asks.

"She isn't my celebrity crush." Lauren says.

"Yeah she is." They say at the same time.

Before Lauren gets to argue, the crowd errupts into cheers as the band walks out. The girls look up. Lauren immediately locks eyes with you and you wink at her causing her to blush.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!!" The lead singer announces down the microphone.

People cheer.

"We have a fucking amazing line up of songs for you guys tonight! So, instead of wasting time, LETS GET RIGHT INTO IT!"

The crowd keeps cheering. You all look back at the drummer and he starts. Then the guitarists start.

You're the move about type of guitarist. Which is cool cos it shows you're enthusiastic but by the end you're so tired. Which really shows how much you've enjoyed the show.

While the song goes on, you move to in front of the crowd and walk around. You stand back to back with the other guitarist and you both play like that for a few seconds.

Lauren doesn't take her eyes off you for the whole song. Not once.

She thinks you're the best person in the whole world. During the down section of the song where it's just the singer, you sit down and look at Lauren. You smile. She smiles back. You wink at her just as the song starts picking back up. You stand up and continue your part of the song.

When the sing finishes, you all take a deep breath.

"Well that was some introduction." The singer says.

"No shit Louis!" You joke loud enough for the microphone to catch your voice.

The crowd laughs.

"Haha. So funny. Mind your language. There could be children here." Louis says.

"Hey hey. We warn people on our website that there will be language." You say.

"Anyway. What song is next?" Hannah asks.

"Girls." You say.

The audience screams. That's Lauren's favourite song in the whole wide world. The guitarist grabs another microphone and puts it in front of you.

"Why does Y/n have a microphone?" Dinah asks.

The girls shrug. The song starts and they soon realise that it's actually you who sings most of the song. Lauren has another reason to fall head over heels for you. She loves your voice.

When the song finishes, the audience cheers overly loudly. You smile and take a deep breath.

You put your guitar on the stand and grab a drink. Hannah sneaks up behind you and spills a full bottle of water over your head.


She laughs. You splash her with water.


"Karma's a bitch!"

The side crew throws you a towel. Since your hair is short enough, it will dry in about 15 minutes. But it's just the curls.

"This is my favourite fucking jacket Hannah!" You say.

You pull the jacket off and shake your head. A crew member takes your jacket. You look down at your arms.

"I mean i finally get to show the tattoo's i got." You say.

You grab your guitar and go back to the microphone.

"Mkay what's next?" You ask.

"Wastelands." Louis says.

The song starts. During the song, you walk over to where the audience is and kneel down at the edge of the stage. They all reach out to you. You smile and stand back up.

When the show finishes, you all sit down on the stage and try to control your breathing. You're all absolutely whacked. Especially you.

"That was so much fun!" Louis says.

"Unfortunately though, that's all for tonight. Thank you all so much for coming tonight! It's been a pleasure!" The drummer says.

You all stand up and walk off the stage. When off the stage, you freeze.


"Gimme a second."

You go to the security crew.

"Can you get the five girls who were sat on row 1 seats..... 5,6,7,8 and 9 backstage?" You ask.

He nods.

Lauren and the girls are getting ready to leave.

"Can the girls in seats 5,6,7,8 and 9 stay behind?!"

They frown. When everyone has gone, the security guard goes to the girls.

"Y/n wants to see you."

Their eyes widen.

Backstage, you're stood talking to your bandmates.

"Fifth Harmony was stood on the first row!"

As a band, your favourite girl band in the entire world is Fifth Harmony. So to say they fangirl is a mega understatement.

There's a knock. You open the door and the security guard is stood with Fifth Harmony.

The girls instantly fangirl.

When they have to go, you wanna ask someone something.

"Hey Lauren?"

She looks at you.

"Could i possibly, by any chance, have your number and take you on a date say next Sunday at 7pm?"

She smiles.


You smile. She takes your phone and puts her number in it. She then puts your number in her phone.

"Talk to you later Y/n."

You smile. She smiles and leaves.

"No. Fucking. Way." Hannah says.

"You just got a date with Lauren Jauregui." Louis says.


They all squeal like girls and group hug you.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now