There's a man over there

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Okay so, real quick, this addresses schizophrenia. I am well aware that i might not have gotten everything in this about schizophrenia completely correct but you have to understand i have never done one like this before. If you're not comfortable with schizophrenia, you dont have to read. Enjoy if you will read it.

Lauren is sat on yours and hers shared bed. She hears a scream. She runs downstairs and sees you sat on the floor.

"Baby?" Lauren asks.

You look at her.

"There's a man over there." You say.

Lauren searches all of downstairs. She searches all of upstairs and sits in front of you.

"Baby there's nobody here. I've searched the whole house. All the hiding spots. There's nobody here." Lauren says.

You take a deep breath. Then it hits Lauren.

"Baby did you take your pills?" She asks.

"What pills?" You ask.

"Your special pills baby." Lauren asks.

"I have special pills?" You ask.

"Yeah. They're in an awesome package that i got the doctor to put them in. The package has Harry Potter on it. Lets go find them." Lauren says.

You stand up and follow Lauren to the bathroom. She pulls out the pills and you look at the package.

"Whoa... that's cool. Did you do that for me?" You asks.

"Especially for you bubs." Lauren says.

You smile that cheeky smile Lauren fell for. You take 2 of the pills and leave the bathroom. You see a puppy sat by the stairs.

"Laur look at the puppy!"

She frowns and looks to where you're sat. There's nothing there. She sits next to you.

"Lauren you'll squish the puppy!"

She moves over.

"Y/n, baby, there's nothing there." Lauren says.

"Then how am i stroking a husky called Mike?" You ask.

"Babe you're not. Look." Lauren says.

You look and the puppy is gone.

"But he was just there. I swear he was." You say.

You stand up and start calling the dog's name.

"Y/n, baby, there was no dog to start with. Your brain was playing tricks on you like it usually does. I promise you, if there was a dog, i would've been the first one to the dog." Lauren says.

You look at her.

"Am i sick?" You ask.

"No. No you're not sick baby. Your brain is just a little under the weather right now. And it's making you see things that aren't there. But, the more you take your special pills, the better your brain will feel and the less things you'll see that aren't there." Lauren says.

You nod.

"Okie. Can we cuddle?" You ask.

She smiles.

"Yeah. We can cuddle." Lauren says.

You smile. You both get into bed. You let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asks.

"I know i have an illness Laur. It's gunna kill me." You say.

She rolls around in your arms.

"Hey. Hey it wont kill you. It's just a permanent stepping stone in your life. But we can work around it. And i wouldn't call it an illness. I'd call it something that makes you, you." Lauren says.

You just nod. She kisses you. It's soft and gentle.

"I love you." Lauren says.

"I love you too." You say.

Hey. So, for yall who read it, if i got absolutely anything wrong or it was offensive at all, please please tell me. So i can work on it. Like i said at the start, I've never done anything like this before. Bye guys :)

Lauren Jauregui imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang