Enemies turned lovers

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Lauren Jauregui a 15 year old highschool student. Who just happens to hate the guts of you!

Y/n Y/l/n. Also a 15 year old highschool student. Who just happens to go to the same school as Lauren.

Another level of unlucky for both girls. It's Monday right now. Period 1. Music. For both girls.

"Okay! Solo performances! Go go!"

You grab an electric guitar, an amp and a lead before going into a small practice room. While you're messing around, Lauren walks in.


"Will you shut the fuck up in here?! I'm tryna practice but i cant concentrate with your stupid guitar!" She yells.

You laugh and sit forward.

"What makes you think i can concentrate with your stupid fucking singing? Hmm?!"

"Oh dont even start. You're playing louder than I'm singing!" She exclaims.

"No I'm not! I could hear your dumb singing from France!" You exaggerate.

"Please. Dont even. I'm being quieter than you are!" She yells.

You put the guitar down and stand up.

"If i had earphones in on this amp you'd still complain about something!" You yell.

"If i was sat in complete silence so would you!" She yells.

The music teacher looks out of her room and rolls her eyes.

"Are you two at it again? Cant we go one lesson without you two being at each other's throats?" She asks.

"SHE is whining at me! Saying my guitar playing is loud and that i need to shut up but i can't play no quieter! Might as well not be playing!" You yell.

"Well you are being loud! The walls are thin! Learn to play quieter!" Lauren yells.

"Girls please!" The teacher yells.

You and Lauren look to the teacher.

"If you two cant be in the same area as each other, would you like me to ask someone to swap rooms with one of you?" The teacher asks.

"Yes!" You both exclaim.

"I'll move!" You say.

"I'll ask Emma to swap." She says.

"Hang on a second. She's on the drum kit. That bitch will be louder than me!" You say.

"Hey language. I'll swap you with a pianist then. Alex maybe?"

"That will do fine for me!" Lauren yells at you.

"Listen yeah-"

"Girls girls stop." The teacher says, interrupting you before you go off on one at Lauren.

You huff and grab your stuff. After Music, it's History. I don't think i mentioned how you and Lauren got so unlucky as to be in the exact same classes as each other for literally every lesson.

The worst part is, for most lessons, you're sat together. One of which being History.

"Okay guys, you have revision to be doing for your mock exam on History for tomorrow. So get that out, partner up and help each other out." Miss announces.

Everyone partners up. Leaving you and Lauren to partner up.

"This day just gets worse and worse." She mutters.

"Dont even start. I dont have nearly enough energy for you." You say, getting out youf revision materials.

Lauren does as you do and gets her materials out too. The lesson passes quite smoothly. No fights between you and Lauren. But i cant exactly say that about break....

Yall know what I'm feelin? *sniff sniff* i can smell something. Is that a *sniff sniff* new story maybe?

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