Biting back from a harmful comment

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TW: Mentions of Eating Disorders and light mentions of depression and suicide

You and Lauren are in an interview together. Your phone buzzes. You check it while Lauren talks about how you two met and eventually got together. It's Instagram. So you click on it and it's a comment that you're tagged in under a picture of you and Lauren together. The caption reading-

'Y/n's gettin a lil skinny recently. Babes what's your workout schedule? I'm obsessed.'

You dont get offended by these comments because most of the time they're worded wrong. But the response comment is what pisses you off. The response comment reading-

'Oh my fucking god! What the fuck is wrong with you @unknowncondom?! You cannot fucking say that! What if Y/n has a mf eating disorder you fucking whore?! You saying that could trigger the shit outta her and have her debating fuckin.... suicide or some shit! Instead of making these comments you should just go fucking off yourself you fucking rat. @Y/nthegaeyy

The angry expression on your face becomes unrealistically crazy. You decide to respond.

Y/nthegaeyy: okay first of all, @unknowncondom thank you very much girl. I'll leave a link to the schedule i found some where. Now, to the main point. @backwardscoin do not ever EVER respond to anybody with a response like that. This person very obviously miss worded the comment. I've said many times before that if i know where the person is aiming the statement or question, i will not be offended by it. I dont ever get offended by those comments anyway. Regardless of the comment. Yes, in the past, i have had an ED. I know many people who have and i have no shame in admitting my person issues from the past. Yes in the past I've contemplated suicide and yes in the past i have actually attempted it. I appreciate you attempting to defend me. However, do not ever ever fucking be like this to anybody. Ever. You yourself have just told this human being to off themselves because they miss worded a question. Also, you calling her/him a whore could trigger past issues with the use of that word. Never ever comment this type of comment to anybody ever. I get that you're attempting to defend me but this is not the right way to fucking go about it. You have to be easy with the way you're wording comments to people not because they're 'snowflakes' but because they might be suffering with a seriously depleting mental health. Be steady with your words.

You put your phone down.

"Well you dont look happy." The girl says.

"I'm with the best woman on the planet. Of course I'm happy." You say, wrapping an arm around Lauren's shoulder bringing her closer to you.

"That's cuuuute! Y/s/n content. Also, you're looking really good lately. What on earth is your workout schedule? I need it."

You laugh.

"Okay I'll send you the link later cos i have no data right now. So I'll definitely send you the link. But it's an awkward ass schedule so you gotta have will power to get through it. Cos it took me a few weeks to come to terms with it." You say.

"And that's cos i decided to give it a shot. Cos I'm awesome i convinced a bitch." Lauren says.

You laugh.

"I had to convince you to at least try it once." You say.

Lauren and the inteviewer laughs.

"Yeah she has me. That diet is awkward." Lauren says.

A few more hours pass and you're at home together.

"I saw the comments by the way." Lauren says.

"What comments?" You ask, sending the link to the workout schedule to the interviewer and the girl from the comments.

"On the picture of us. The one you clapped back on in the interview." Lauren says.

"Oh that one." You say.

"Yeah. And honestly, you handled it better than a lotta people would. I could see your face in the interview. You looked fuming." Lauren says.

"I wouldn't say fuming. Just annoyed by the second person's approach to the first comment. I mean I've made it clear like a million times in the past how little it botheres me when people leave comments like the first comment. Especially more when i know they've just miss worded the question or statement. I'm not gunna go off on one about it cos it's all in the comment." You say.

Lauren sits down next to you on the sofa and cuddles up into your side.

"Did you really mean what you said about me being your favourite woman on the planet?" Lauren asks.

"Of course i meant it. You are in fact the best human on the planet. I love you very much. You're my favourite woman. No no. Favourite human." You say.

She smiles and goes a little red at your statement.

"You're also my favourite human." Lauren says.

You smile and place a soft kiss on her lips. She gets really cuddled up into you and you both just sit and watch TV together in the living room.

Thoughts? I fuckin fell asleep writing this one cos apparently my body dont wanna stay awake. I'll get through these chapters. I fuckin meen it!! Byeeeee :)

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