Defending her

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You and Lauren are with a friend of yours from highschool. She's making jokes that a bordering on nasty. About Lauren. She's given you the 'its fine' look. You're just waiting for the other look. That will signal to you that it's not okay.

She makes another joke and Lauren gives you the 'please stop her' look.

"Alright alright i think thats enough." You say.

"They're just jokes. Nothing serious bro." She says.

"Yeah well they're about my girlfriend and i want you to stop." You say.

"Just chill. They're just jokes. Dont be so butt hurt about it. There's nothing wrong with them." She says.

"Y'know usually when someone asks you nicely to stop making jokes about their girlfriend that are bordering on seriously rude you should stop or expect a slap." You say.

"You're gunna hit me if i dont stop making these 'rude' jokes about your girlfriend. How petty."

"It's not petty. I'm asking you to stop making jokes about my girlfriend. So stop." You say.

"No i wont." She says, continuing on to make another joke about Lauren.

You shove her. Which causes her to fall from her seat and thud onto the floor.

"Stop making jokes about my girlfriend." You say.

Lauren sits and watches as it all unfolds. It gets worse when the girl from highschool hits you in the fact. And it's a strong hit too. Punch. Hard punch. Makes your nose burst and start bleeding.

Seeing as you're in a studio, Lauren quickly runs off to get some security. And when they all come back, you're both seriously fighting. The security pull the girl off of you and throw her out. Also banning her in the process. They leave you and Lauren.

"In my defense, i didn't expect it to escalate that far." You say.

"I wasn't gunna say anything about that. Just that i really appreciate you defending me." Lauren says.

"Well what can i say? If it's for you, I'll fight anybody." You say.

She smiles.

"That's the cheesiest shit i have ever heard you say." Lauren says.

"You like it dont lie." You say.

She chuckles.

"I do. Lemme clean you up and then I'll kiss you. Cos as attractive as this is, i dont quite fancy getting blood in my mouth when i kiss my girlfriend." Lauren says.

"That's pretty valid. No arguments. But you might need to get me a bucket cos i have quite a bit of blood in my mouth right now." You say.

"Then i will do that. I'll be right back." Lauren says, placing a kiss on your cheek.

She leaves and soon comes back with a bucket and a load of tissues. She's passes you the bucket and you spit out a lot of blood. You put the bucket on the floor. Lauren sits on your lap and grabs the tissues.

You smile and put your hands on her waist.

"Babe I'm gunna clean your face before we do anything." Lauren says.

"I know babe. Am i not allowed to put my hands on your waist?" You ask.

"You are. You know i like it when you do that. Just thought I'd tell you not to get too excited until I'm done cleaning the blood up." Lauren says.

"I know. Now hurry up cos i wanna kiss you, you gorgeous human being." You say.

Lauren laughs. She cleans your face and puts the tissues in the bucket. Then kisses you. You kiss back. She puts her hands on your face and you then squeeze her waist. Which causes her to let out a soft moan into the kiss at the feeling.

You pull back. Which leaves Lauren slightly offended.

"Excuse you. I wasn't finished." Lauren says.

"We cant do it in here." You say.

"Why not? Nobody is here to tell us we cant." Lauren says.

"True. Ignore me then." You say, kissing her again.

She kisses back. It leads on from there and lets just say, it laated for a solid 3 hours. Obviously with breaks in between.

Thoughts? Byeeee :)

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now