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You're stood in the library at school. You're supposed to be studying with the hottest girl in the entire school. She's called Lauren Jauregui.

The weird thing is, she chose to help you. She didn't get forced into it. She wanted to help.

The real question, is why.

You grab a book about the first world war. You sit at the table and wait for Lauren to turn up.

You get about half way through the book when you hear a voice.

"First world war?"

You look up and see Lauren. You shut the book and sit up.

"Yeah. I like learning about it." You say.

She smiles and sits down in the seat facing you.

"Okay what is it i have to help you with?"

"Uh..... Maths i think." You say.

She nods. After school, you two are at your house. In your room. Doin maths.

"So wait.... X is a number?" You ask.


"What number?"

"You gotta figure that out. But it's pretty simple. Look at it this way. 72÷X=6." Lauren says.


You realise it's 12.

"There. See. It's easier if you look at it backwards." Lauren says.

You nod. While you do the work, Lauren cant help but watch. Not what you're doing. Just you.

She's noticed a few things about you.

When you concentrate, you stick your tongue out to the side, your eyebrows knit into each other and you tend to tap your pen when you're tryna think.

"So i got this right. Right? Cos i did what you suggested and worked backwards and this is what i got." You say.

No answer.


You look up and she's sat staring at you. You wave your hand in front of her face and she jolts back shaking her head.


"Did i get this right?"

She looks at the work and nods.


You nod.

"Are you okay? Cos you zoned out a few minutes ago." You say.

"I did?"

"Yeah. Are you okay? Cos if you're tired we can call it for tonight and continue tomorrow if you want." You say.

"No. No I'm okay. Just got some stuff goin through my head."

You move the stuff and sit crisscross applesauce.

"C'mon. Talk to me." You say.


"Talk to me. There's still 2 weeks before the test so we can avoid the maths shit for now. Tell me what's goin on and i can do my best to help you with it." You say.

"No it's okay. I dont wanna put all my problems on you."

"Believe me i can handle it. I mean i womt push you to tell me what's goin on but you can if you want." You say.

"Okay but please dont tell anybody what I'm gunna tell you."

"I can keep secrets." You say.

She runs through what's goin on.

Starting off with the highschool thing.

"So there's this expectation everyone holds over me in school."

"Well, you being the lead cheerleader and basically the hottest person in school, yeah i can kinda see it." You say.

She blushes.

"You think I'm hot?"

"I-uh-w-well...... it was just- yeah." You manage to get out.

She smiles.

"The other thing is, i have a crush on this girl. Mega dorky. Really cute. Funny as hell. Really smart. But sucks at maths." Lauren says.

You know she means you. Your heart speeds up.

"And-uh-what does this mega-dorky really cute-funny as hell-really smart girl look like?" You ask.

Lauren laughs.

"Well, she's about 5'3. Dark blue dyed hair but her normal hair colour is black. Her eyes are a cyan colour but when the sun hits them they go like an Emerald colour. And man her smile." Lauren says.

You smile.

"Oh and i missed out her laugh. It's perfect. We've only spoke maybe once or twice passing each other but i want to talk to her more. I'm just not confident enough. What do i do? I've heard you're good at relationship advice." Lauren says.

You smile.

"Well, i suggest, you tell her. Confidence or not, best thing to do is tell her. Because it's gunna kill you if you quiet. Cos if she dates someone, it's gunna eat you up inside." You say.

She moves closer to you and with out any further hesitation, she kisses you.

You had no idea she felt this way towards you.

But, you kiss back. You've wanted this for a while and now it's finally happening.

She pulls out and you both just sit there for a few seconds.

"Wow. That was amazing." You say.

"It was. Thanks for sitting and listening to me." Lauren says.

"I mean... it was worth it." You say.

She smiles.

"So can i ask, how long have you liked me for?" You ask.

"Few years." She says.



"Damn.... didn't mean to keep ya waiting so long."

"It was worth it."

(Hehe go listen to worth it)

You smile. You both share another kiss before you get back to the whole algebra thing.

Cos why not? Just felt like this one.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now