Dont say it's stressful part 2

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"I have not gained trust issues from my last relationship Jauregui." You say.

"You have. You dont trust people because of that dickhead you were with before me. That dickhead fucked you about and begged for forgiveness each and everytime Yn. You and i both know thats why you have trust issues. I'm under a lot of stress with this album and it's making me snappy." Lauren says.

You let out and extremely loud sigh.

"Fine. I have trust issues. Whatever." You say.

You go back on your phone.


"I'm busy." You interrupt.

A few hours of awful silence passes and Lauren has had enough. She stands up causing you to look at her. She walks into the kitchen. Lauren stands against the side and takes a deep breath. A knock is heard. You stands up and go to the door. You open it and see Camila.

"Hey Mila. You okay?" You ask.

"Yeah." She says.

"Okay so what's wrong?" You ask.

She crumbles and you instantly pull her into a hug.

"It's okay." You say.

You walk you both into the house and close the door. You then walk you both to the couch and sit down. Lauren walks into the room and frowns.

"Camz?" Lauren asks.

Camila doesnt answer.

"She's incapable of answering when crying Lauren." You state in a bitchy tone.

Lauren rolls her eyes and sits down next to Camila. She starts rubbing her back in a calming way. Camila ends up crying herself to sleep.

"We still have that spare bedroom?" You ask.

Lauren nods. You nod and pick up Camila. She remove her arms from your waist to around your neck. You carry her up into the bedroom and gently place her on the bed. You then pull the covers over her and leave. You go downstairs and sit down on the couch. Lauren looks at you and sighs. You look up at Lauren.

"What?" You ask.

"What?" Lauren asks.

"You sighed." You say.

"I know." Lauren states.

"Why'd you sigh?" You ask.

"Cos this is pissing me off." Lauren says.

"What is? Me being annoyed? People have emotions you know." You say.

"Wow. When did i say that?"

"I didn't say you did Lauren." You state.

Lauren rolls her eyes. Your phone pings.

DJ: you seen Mila anywhere? She ran from my house.

Tiny human: yeah. She's here asleep in the spare bedroom. She came over and cried herself to sleep on my shoulder.

DJ: okay. I'll come collect her now.

Tiny human: okay. See you soon.

You put your phone down.

"Who was it?" Lauren asks.

"Dinah. She's coming to get Camila." You say.

Lauren nods. About five minutes pass and there's a knock at the door. You stand up. When you open it, Dinah's stood there.

"First room on the left." You say.

Dinah nods and walks in. You stand a little awkwardly waiting for Dinah to leave with Camila. When Dinah leaves, you close the door and lock it before sitting down on the couch.

Lauren looks at you and lets out a sigh. Not loud enough for you to hear it. You stand up.

"I'm gunna go to bed." You say.

Lauren nods. When you go upstairs, Lauren feels as if her heart has actually been ripped out from her chest. She lets out a tiny cry.

One more part.

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