First kiss.

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You and Lauren have only been dating a few weeks but all she has wanted to do is kiss you. Thats what she plans on doing today. When you get home from work.

Lauren has spent almost all day setting up the perfect in home date for you both. She rigged the Spaghetti to do what it did in The Lady and The Tramp. Lauren knows its cheesy but to be honest, she knows you'll love it. You are a big Disney nut. You love all things Disney. Which is why she is planning on taking you on a surprise trip to Disney land. But thats for another time.

As of now, Lauren is currently sat on the couch looking through Instagram waiting for you to get home. The front door swings open and slams shut.

She stands up, walks over to you and engulfs you into a hug knowing you have had a shit day at work.

"What happened, who did it and who am i burrying?" Lauren asks.

This makes you laugh a little.

"Fucking Stephanie. Thinks she better than all of us. Its pissing me off. She came to me earlier today and started talking about how much better than me she is. I had to walk away or i swear i would've lost my job." You say.

"I have never liked Stephanie." Lauren says.

"Lauren, babe, this is the first time I've mentioned her." You say.

"So?" Lauren says.

You laugh.

"I have a surprise set up for you. Go get into your pyjamas and then sit at the dinner table." Lauren says.

She places a kiss on your cheek and runs off into the kitchen. When in your pyjamas, you yawn and come downstairs into the dinning room where you see Lauren sat with one big ass plate of Spaghetti. You smile and sit down.

"You haven't gone all Lady and the Tramp on me and connected the Spaghetti together have you?" You joke.

She shakes her head. You believe her. That is until you both pull on two pieces of Spaghetti. You laugh and start pulling on the Spaghetti until you're both face to face. You both keep pulling on it until you kiss.

This is a very over the top way of sharing your first kiss but neither of you care.

You pull out and start laughing.

"That was the best way i have ever kissed anyone before." You laugh.

"Pleasure is all mine babe." Lauren says.

You lean in pretty quickly and kiss again. You break apart, finish the Spaghetti and sit together on the couch.

"I know its a little early into our relationship but i love you." Lauren says.

"1. I love you too. 2. Early isnt a word that exists considering you asked me to move in three days into our relationship." You laugh.

Lauren laughs.

You fall asleep in her arms a little later.

"Sleep tight babygirl." Lauren says.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now