Cuddle buddies

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You and Lauren have been best friends since birth. You've been cuddle buddies for the last 4 years. If one of you needs comforting, cuddles. If one of you cant sleep (more Lauren than you), cuddles. Bored? Cuddles. Need someone to just chill with? Cuddles. Cuddle buddies.

Right now, you're just layed watching TV. You're re-watching Wednesday on Netflix because it's amazing and Jenna Ortega is a boss bitch. Your phone rings. It's Lauren. You pause Wednesday and answer the call.

"Hey Laur." You say.

"Hey. Are you free?" Lauren asks.

"For you, always." You say.

"Can you come over?" Lauren asks.

"Of course. I'm on my way now." You say.

The call ends. You turn off Netflix and then the TV. You get your shoes on and then go to your car. You drive to Lauren's house and get out your car. You lock the car and go to her door. You knock. She opens the door and smiles softly.

"You okay?" You ask.

She shakes her head. She lets you into her house and closes the door. You lock it and.

"You wanna go cuddle upstairs? Tell me about what's wrong?" You say.

She nods. You both go upstairs to her room and lay on her bed. She cuddles up into your side. You put an arm around her shoulder and gently rub her back. She breaks down. You eventually have her calm and she's just sniffles.

"Talk to me. What's wrong?" You say.

"I-I dont know. Things are just a struggle. It's hard. I'm struggling with what songs to make and it's all just hard." Lauren says.

"Yeah i get that. It is all rough. But, you're doing amazing. Your music is amazing. People love you and your music. You're doing really well." You say.

"You think so?" Lauren asks.

"Of course i do. I wouldn't lie to you." You say.

She sniffles.

"Thank you." She says.

"Any time you need." You say.

You remain in silence for a few minutes, you just pull your fingers through her hair.

"Do you wanna watch something on Netflix?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah of course. Whatever you would like to watch we can watch." You say.

"How far into Wednesday are you?" Lauren asks.

"I've finished it. But i can watch it with you if you haven't finished if off." You say.

"You dont mind?" Lauren asks.

"No i was rewatching it before you called me anyways." You say.

Lauren puts Wednesday on. You both just lay there and watch Wednesday together, just cuddling. After you finish Wednesday, Lauren puts on a movie and eventually you both fall asleep. You'll tell each other how you feel about each other eventually.

Thoughts? Bye bye :)

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now