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You and Lauren are layed in bed. You're fast asleep layed on your chest and Lauren is just layed next to you. Your face facing her so she can take in the beautiful look on your face.

*yeah i said that. If any of yall disagree i might just have to hit the sense into you.*

She's been having these flashbacks lately. Just stuff with you two. She tends to get them when you're sleeping or when she's alone. Which she doesn't mind because it's about you two.

Lauren's pov

I'm sat in Y/n's car with her. She looks scared. Her hands are shaking. I take her hands into mine. She looks at me and i smile.

"What's the matter bubs?" I ask.

"W-what if your parents dont like me?" Y/n asks.

I shake my head.

"They're gunna love you baby. I promise." I say.

She takes a deep breath and nods. Then she shakes her head. I cup her cheeks and make her look at me.

"Take a deep breath. It's your anxiety telling you they're gunna hate you. They're not. I promise you. They're going to adore you. Especially my dad 'anybody who makes you happy mija is good enough for me'." I say.

She shakes her head.

"Laur i cant do it." She says.

Her eyes water up. She's always been like this when meeting new people. She expects the worst and immediately disagrees with whatever anybody else has to say.

I wipe the tears from her eyes and place a soft kiss on her lips. I leave enough time for her to kiss back. Which she does. I pull back and look her dead in the eyes.

"I promise you, they will love you." I say.

She sniffles and nods.


"Hey dont apologise buba. That's like apologising for tripping over something. It's not your fault. Now, lets go in there and let them meet you. Chris qnd Taylor will love you immediately anyway." I say.

She nods. We get out of her car. She locks it and we go into my house.

"Mama! Papa! Chris! Taylor!"

Chris and Taylor poke their heads around the corner. They get extremely giddy and run at me. Yep, they're not kids and they're still like this. Chris looks at Y/n and examines her. She looks at me i just shake my head. He finishes examining Y/n and hugs her. She frowns.

"Hug back or a negative goes at your name."

"Chris." I warn.

"Sorry Y/n."

She smiles.

"It's okay. I like hugs."

She hugs him back.

"I want some of that!" Taylor announces.

She jumps on Y/n's back and i just laugh. I take a pictute and put it on Instagram with the caption.

'Girlfriend just met my siblings. Idk you think they like her? 😂😂'

I tag the three of them in the picture and then they finish the hug. They pull Y/n into the living room where dad is. He's setting the table. I follow them and hug dad.

"Hello Mija! I've missed you!"

He hugs back.

"Papa, i have someone for you to meet." I say.

I pull Y/n to my side. She immediately tenses up. I grab her hand and rub my thumb along the back of it to soothe her.

"So you're the famous Y/n we've heard so much about?"

Y/n takes a deep breath.

"Yes sir." Y/n says.

He holds his hand out and Y/n shakes it.

"Well, I'm Mike. Lauren's dad." Dad says.

"You look young enough to be her brother." Y/n says.

Oh how bad that could go down. Instead, he laughs.

"Good sense of humour. I can already tell me and you are gunna get along very well Y/n." Dad says.

Y/n smiles.

"Lauren go take her to meet your mother." Dad says.

I nod and take her to meet mama. I tap her on the back. She looks at me and smiles.

"Mija i have missed you so much." Mama says.

I laugh.

"It's only been 3 weeks mama." I say.

"3 weeks to long mija. Now, who's this young lady stood next to you?" Mama asks.

"Mama, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is my mama." I say.

Y/n and mama shake hands.

"Does Y/n make you happy mija?" Mama asks.

I nod.

"Then that is more than good enough for me."

Mama hugs Y/n. Y/n hugs back.

When we finally get home, we lay down in bed after getting changed and we fall asleep.

End of POV
End of Flashback

I look at my watch. 8am. I snuggle myself as far into Y/n as i can go back to sleep. A smile on my face.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora