Finally meeting her

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You live in England. You and Lauren have been talking for almost an entire year. You've been saving up money to go and visit her, despite her disagreement. She wanted to fly out to you because, for more than obvious reasons, she has the money for it. But you were adamant that you were going to save your money.

And you've done it. You have saved up enough money for it. You've bought your ticket and you're getting ready to go out and see her. You grab all of your things and leave your house.

In all fairness you've been wanting to meet her since you started talking to her.

Well now you can. You get to the airport and go through all the customs. You then go sit and wait. When it's finally time to get on the plane, you stand up snd waste no time in getting to your seat.

The flight is upwards of a 10 hour flight. So it's gunna be a long one but you're ready for it.

Soon enough, you arrive at the airport that Lauren is meeting you at. You grab your bag and get off the plane. You head through the airport and out into the general public. And there you spot Lauren. She spots you and you both smile. You both walk to each other and hug.

The hug lasts ages. 10 minutes pretty much. You're both beyond happy to finally see each other. You then pull back from the hug.

"I'm so happy to see you." I say.

Lauren smiles.

"I could've got you here sooner." Lauren says.

"I'm stubborn you could not." You say.

She laughs which makes you laugh. You both get in Lauren's car. She drives to her house and you both go inside.

"Okay. So, i know you said no to getting you something but i saw it and couldn't resist." You say.

"Y/n." Lauren says.

"I think you'll like it." You say.

You reach into the bag and pull out the little gift you got her. It's a little ring. Nothing spectacular as it's all you really could affort.

She smiles and takes the ring.

"Nuh uh gimme it back." You say.

She frowns.

"Gimme the ring back." You say.

She gives you it back and you out the ring on her finger. She smiles.

"That's my job." You say.

Her smile widens a little. You both decide to just cuddle up on the sofa and watch a shit load of movies together. Happy you finally met in person.

Thoughts? Its been a while. Sorry about that. Hope yous liked it either way. Byeee :)

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