Top. Request

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You and Lauren have literally only been together for a few months. To be precise, about 4. So you two haven't done the deed yet. She doesn't believe that you could top and she's making it pretty obvious. You're both in the studio together.

"You could never top. You seem too innocent." Lauren says.

"I can top. What makes you think that?" You ask.

"You seem too innocent to know what to do when topping. You'd be a bottom." Lauren says.

This literally continues all day. You're becoming a little frustrated by it. Right now, you're both in your car on your way to Lauren's house.

"You just couldn't do it." Lauren says.


"Yeah i do bet. You literally couldn't top me." Lauren says.

You both go into her house and the second she locks the front door, you pin her to it. Arms above her head, face to face with about half an inch distance between you both. You hear her breathing become a little laboured. She didn't expect this.

"Couldn't top?" You ask.

Lauren, out of stubbornness, shakes her head. You nod and throughout the next few hours, make her realise that you're a top. Especially towards the later end of the 3 hour sex bend where you have her screaming your name out of sheer pleasure.

You're just finishing her off as i speak. You curl your fingers just a little bit further and she releases. You help her ride it out and pull out your fingers. You sit back and Lauren lays trying to catch her breath. It's been none stop for 3 hours. Save for the 2 minutes where she actually needed to breathe.

"Need any more proof that i can be a top? Hmm?" You ask, in a teasing tone.

She shakes her head.

"Not tonight." She says.

"But yout admit it. I'm not as innocent as i look." You say.

She nods. You lay down next to her. She cuddles up into your side and falls asleep.

Thanks to spritebottle3000 for requesting this one about a month ago. I'm so sorry it took this long to do. I hope you liked it either way. Byeee :)

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now