'Please dont break my heart'

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Ladies, gentlemen, theys, thems and all you fine people in between. Strap in because you're in for a hell of a ride.

I dont trust easy. It's taken me 5 years to trust you. It's taken me 5 years to break down my walls. It's taken me 5 years to fall for you.
Please dont break my heart

October 19th 2017
Thursday, 2pm. Frenchie's coffee shop

"Y/n can i get another coffee please?"

"Of course." You say.

"You're a star. You know that?"

"Of course." You state, with a slight sas in your voice.

All your cousin can do is laugh.

"Now, and i know you're not going to like me for this, but I've sort of introduced you to this girl from college."

You turn to your cousin.

"Andi you know how i feel about new people." You say.

"Yeah i know but i showed her a picture of you and she thinks you're cute. So just give her a shot. If not to get with her, to at least be her friend." Andi says.

You sigh.

"Fine. When and where."

"Next Tuesday. 4pm. 'The little Italian Bistro'. It's not a date. Just a little meet up. To get to know her." Andi says.

"I'm gunna kill you. So is Aunt Jackie. She'll have you hung, drawn and quartered for this shit." You say.

"Hey hey my mom loves me." Andi says.

"Aunt Jackie loves me more." You say.

"Then Aunt Millie loves me more than you." Andi says.

"She wont when i tell on you." You say.

Andi gasps.

"You wouldn't. Not Aunt Millie." Andi says.

"Tough luck. Now go before you're late." You say.

Andi grabs the freshly made coffee and leaves for college. You just sigh.

"I'm gunna kill her for this shit. This person better be nice."

October 22nd 2017
Sunday, 4pm. Little Italian Bistro

You get to the little building and sit in your car. You hope Andi will be thee to at least introduce you both. I mean, this person knows what you look like but you dont know what she looks like.

You then spot Andi's car pull up. Andi sat driving with a woman in the passenger's seat next to her. Andi gets out of the car, followed by the woman next to her. You get out of your car.

"Y/n!" Andi exclaims.

She locks her car and walks over, followed by the woman.

"Y/n, this is Lauren. Lauren, this is my cousin Y/n." Andi says.

You smile, almost shyly, and wave slightly. Lauren stands in, almost, awe at you. She knew you were pretty from the picture but you're even prettier in real life.

"Now before you go in, Lauren knows how you feel about new people. I gave her the basic 'Y/n rundown' on the way. And as you can see, you didn't inadvertently scare her away. So, go get to know each other. Hang out maybe." Andi says.

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