Kiss Me

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You're stood back stage at your best friend's live show. She yanks you on stage and sits you in a chair. Then your song E.T. starts. You laugh and look at Lauren. She winks at you. You've known for a while that she's so attracted to you. You just needed a little proof to believe it.

You sit and stare at her while she sings your song. If you know Lauren right, you know where this is going.

She turns and look at you. You make direct eye contact as she sings.

"Kiss me.
K-k-kiss me
Infect me with your love
Fill me with your poison
Take me
T-t-take me
Wanna be your victim
Ready for abduction"

She turns back to the fans and keeps singing. You sit there with a wide smirk on your face. This song really suits Lauren. You stand up and start doing the choreography that you and your dancers usually do. Except you change it a little. You lift Lauren onto your shoulders so she's stood. You keep hold of her so she doesn't fall. She jumps back down and at the end she stands in front of you. Your arms around her waist.

The fans lose their shit. You let go of Lauren and you high five.

"What did you guys think? I like that song very much. One of my favourite songs." Lauren says.

You laugh.

"What about you? You like it?" Lauren asks you.

She points the mic to you.

"Well, you didn't tell me you were gunna do the song. I woulda been more prepared with back up dancers for choreography but i did very much enjoy it." You say.

She smiles. You grab the chair, wink at Lauren and leave the stage. She goes red and watches you as you leave the stage.

She turns back to the fans, a wide smile on her face, a continues the show. When it's finished, Lauren goes to her bus. You also go over to her bus. You knock on her door. She opens it. You smile. She smiles and lets you in.

"You tired after that show?" You ask.

"Meh. Not really. Are you? You started the choreo for the song you and your dancers do out of literally nowhere." Lauren says.

"Nah. I do that dance more than you think. I dont get tired anymore." You say.

She smiles.

"So anyway. You're in love with me and you cant even deny it." You say.

She goes bright red.

"Straight to the point." Lauren says.

"Yeah that did come across a little aggressive. I'm sorry. That was not my intention at all." You say.

She laughs a little.

"But i am. You're literally my favourite person ever. The reason i dragged you onto the stage is cos i wanted you to dance with me. I liked it when you danced with me." Lauren says.

You smile.

"I'm your favourite person?" You ask.

Lauren nods. You smile.

"I wont lie, you're my favourite person too. I got butterflies when you sang that part at me. We made direct eye contact. How often do i do that?" You ask.

She smiles.

"Yeah that's true." She says.

She thinks for a minute. Then, with any remaining confidence she has, she kisses you. It shocks you to say the least. She puts her hands against your face. It takes a few seconds before you kiss back. You put your arms around her waist. She starts to deepen the kiss. You swipe your tongue against her lip to ask if you can. Which she grants.

She starts pulling you to the sofa. You spin you both around before falling down. You land sat on the sofa with her straddling you.

Before things get too far, she decides to pull back from the kiss. You both sit and kinda stare at each other.

"Be my girlfriend." You blurt out.

She nods.

"Yeah. I will." She says.

"Wait really?" You ask.

She nods. You smile. Life is going in the right direction for you right now.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu