'I did something....'

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Lauren is sat on the sofa watching a movie. You went out to the shop 2 hours ago and quite frankly, she's extremely bored. You're not there to flop all over or bully so she's bored. Yes bullying each other is your love language.

About 30 minutes later, you open the front door and just stand there. She looks at you and frowns.

"I did something...."

"What did you did?" She asks.

You reach into your jacket and hold out a puppy. No older than 3 months.


"Laur look at him. He's cute. Can we pleeeeeeeeease keep him?" You asks.

You and the pup look at Lauren. She smiles and nods.

"We can keep him." She says.

You smile. You put the dog in her lap and go get the dog stuff from your car.

"Holy hell Y/n that is a lot of dog food." She says.

"Well, he'll need feeding a lot." You say.

She smiles and rolls her eyes. You take all the stuff and put it in the basement for a while. You then sit next to Lauren. The puppy runs from Lauren to you. You smile. Hours upon hours pass and you're both layed cuddled up in bed with the dog layed on you stomach asleep.

"Thanks for letting us keep him." You say.

"I cant say no to you." She says.

You smile. You both share a quick kiss before going to sleep.

I was deciding which one to do this part on. The struggle of having like 7 open imagine books lmao. Byeeeeeee

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now