Cleaning her car

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Lauren has heard, from a friend, that there's this person who cleans cars at this building thing they bought and all the person who wants their car cleaning has to do is just pay £5. All the stuff a regular car wash place does plus fixing any issues for £5.

And this place is popular. Very very popular. This place gets about 15 cars per day. It's been open for about 4 days. So imagine, 15 × £5 a day for 4 days. That's a lot of money.

Lauren has noticed that her car does has a little issue with it. So she decides to take it to this place. Since it's only just opened, she'll be the first person there.

She pulls up outside the building and sees the person who cleans the cars just sat on their phone awaiting people to show up.

Lauren gets out of her car and shuts the door. The sound draws this persons attention. The two lock eyes and Lauren gets immediate butterflies.

"Hi. You need your car doing?"

Lauren nods. The person walks over to her.

"Well, my name is Y/n. I always introduce myself for some reason. Impulsive movement."

"I'm Lauren."

While you clean Lauren's car, Lauren starts a conversation.

"So what made you decide to do this then?" Lauren asks.

You shrug.

"Honestly it seemed fun and it is. Plus i make a decent amount of money per week. Plus people need to be able to get their car sorted out and not skint themselves doing it. No point in having a car if you have no money to pay for fuel." You say.

"That's so true." Lauren says.

The two of you talk for the whole time you sort out her car. Which sparks an upcoming friendship between the two of you. You both spend the whole time talking. When her car is all finished, she cant help but feel a little disappointed.

"I can tell you want to talk longer, so how about i give you my number and we can keep talking when you're gone." You suggest.

"Sounds good to me." Lauren says.

You both swap numbers and she then leaves. You cant help but smile. You like her.

Thoughts? Byeeeee :)

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now