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Lauren has your camera set up on your tripod. You're downstairs doing something.

"Hey guys. So, you may notice that I'm not Y/n and I'm not sat next to her. That means one thing and one thing alone. Prank time baby. So, i had an absolutely evil idea for today. Now i got lucky that Y/n always bring her camera and recording gear when she comes over or i wouldn't be able to do this today." Lauren says.

She hears you sneeze.

"Bless you baby!" She yells.

"Thank you!!" You yell back.

"Anyway. So, todays prank is something horrible. I cheated on you. Prank. I'm gunna feel horrible for this one but it wasn't mainly my idea. It was also Dinah's idea. Y/n and Dinah are cousins. Big secret bet yall never knew. Anyway. Lets get started with this prank." Lauren says.

She moves your camera out of your sight and sits back in her bed.

"Oh oh i forgot to mention that i got Dinah to be the girl that i 'cheated on Y/n with'. So this should be interesting." Lauren says.

A few minutes pass and you walks into her room.

"Okay so i know you said you wanted nothing but, i made you your favourite snack and i got you a drink." You say.

She smiles. You manage to shut the door. You walk in and spot your camera. You frown.

"What's up baby?" Lauren asks.

"Didn't realise that i set up my camera on the tripod. Anyway. Here you go." You say.

After you both finish the food, she goes off to the toilet and you keep watching the film on the TV.

Her phone pings.

"Laur, baby, your phone just went off!" You shout.


It goes off again. And again. And again. You frown and glance at it. Dinah.

"Lauren, Dinah texting you!" You yell.

It keeps pinging. Lauren tells you that whenever her phone wont shut up, you can check it.

So you do.

Dinah x
Hey Laur
Had so much fun last night ;)
We're not telling Y/n
If she finds out she'll kill us.
Both of us
But my god were you good
I see what Y/n loves about you

You frown.

"Lauren! Come here!" You shout.

The toilet flushes. She walks into the room and looks at you with a frown. The movie is paused.

"What's wrong baby?" She asks.

"Why is Dinah texting you all these messages." You say.

She looks at her phone and her eyes widen.

"Well? I'm all ears Lauren." You say.

"Y/n i- well... we-"

"Tell me." You demand.

She sits next to you and you stand up.

"Y/n please sit down."

"Did you cheat on me with Dinah? Be serious. Tell me the truth." You say.

"We... we had sex. Last night and it was by accident." Lauren says.

"How do you accidentally fuck someone?" You ask.

"Y/n please."

"Please what Lauren? You fucked my cousin. What do you want from me? Forgiveness? No." You say.

"Y/n i-"

You shake your head and pull your suitcase from under her bed and leave her room.

"Y/n. Y/n!"

She looks at the camera.

"Y/n!! Come back!"

"What do you want from me Lauren?! You had sex with my cousin! Go to hell!"

She grabs the camera and runs after you.

"It was a prank! Y/n it was a prank!"

You turn to her a frown/angry look lacing your face.

"What?" You ask.

"It was a prank. Me and Dinah didn't do anything. I got Dinah to prank you with me." Lauren says.

You stop on the stairs and wipe a tear away from your face. Then you laugh.

"God i hate you. I cannot believe you did this." You say.

She puts the camera on the rail and hugs you. You hug back. You both go back into her room and you sit on her bed.

"Okay so she got me. Gunna get her back. Thanks for watching me get angry. Bye guys." You say.

You end the video and look at her. She smiles nervously.

"Hi." She says.

You get really close to her and pin her to the bed. Her heart speeds up.

"That wss a mean thing for you to do." You say.

"It wasn't my idea." She says.

"Oh well. You're still gunna get punished for it baby." You husk.

"Punish me baby." She says.

You smirk and lets say, some interesting things happen.

Hehe. Hope you liked it.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now