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TW: homophobic slurs used.

It's no secret that you and Lauren are dating. Nobody has an issue with it. Except this group of boys who's hated you since long before you came out. Which you've grown accustomed to. Right now, you're stood at Lauren's locker with her. You have your head layed sideways against someone else's locker just looking at her.

"Baby i can feel your eyes burnin holes into my head." She says.

"Yeah but that's cos i love to admire my queen." You say.

She laughs a little. The bell rings which signifies period 3. You place a soft kiss on her lips. She's always loved your kisses. So soft all the time.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too."

You both split and go off to lesson. While walking to your lesson, you get grabbed and yanked outside. You get shoved into a wall. You look at who it is and it's the group of guys who hate you and your existence.

"If you're gunna do it just get it over with. I have a lesson to get to." You say.

One of the guys grabs you and it just goes from there. They leave you sat passed out against the wall. In a puddle of your own blood might i add. During Lauren's lesson, someone bursts through the door.

"Someone's beat the shit out of Y/n. She's literally sat outside in a puddle of her own blood."

Lauren's heart sinks. Everyone runs down to you. An ambulance shows up after about 30 minutes and takes you off to the hospital. Lauren dips out of school and goes to the hospital. When she gets there, she asks for you.

"Yeah she's in room 224. Hey are you okay?"

"No she's my girlfriend and was on the edge of being dead when the ambulance took her away." Lauren says.

"Well dont worry hun. She's registered on the system and it says she's recovering. Head injuries but nothing horrific. She's got a few broken ribs. Her right arm is broken but she's gunna be absolutely fine. I promise."

"Thank you."

She goes to your hospital room and walks in. You're awake. You have your leg in a cast and your arm in a cast too. Your leg isn't broken but just needs the cast. There's cuts and bruises all on your face. You have a broken nose and both your eyes are black. Your lip is bust. Everything is just... fucked.


You look up at her and smile.

"Hey. You look stressed what's wrong?" You ask.

She walks into the room, shuts the door and goes and lays on your bed. She lays on your front and wraps her arms around you and just cries.

"Hey. Hey it's okay baby." You say.

You try your best to soothe her and eventually you have her calm.

"Talk to me Laur. What's wrong?" You ask.

"Someone walked into my class and told our teacher that you were out cold on a pool of your own blood. And it scared me cos i thought you were gunna be dead." She says.

"You're not gettin rid of me that quickly. I'm a fuckin cockroach. I aint goin nowhere." You say.

She laughs a little bit.

"Something needs sorting out about them guys." She says.

"It wasn't them..."

"Who was it then? Santa?" Lauren asks.


"Y/n dont lie to me. I know they're doin it. Somethint needs sorting out about them. It's hate crime and very illegal." Lauren says.

"It's fine dont worry my love." You say.

"How do you expect me to not worry about you when they've beat the shit outta you so hard that you're layed in a hospital bed?" Lauren asks.

"Hey. I'll figure it out, dont worry. I promise. I always do. And if i dont, i promise the next time in hospital it can be your fault." You say.

She giggles a little. Which makes you laugh.

"I wont lie, you look badass like this." She says.

You smile. You place a soft kiss on her forehead and you both just lay there talking. You'll get it sorted out.

Thoughts? Byeeeeee :)

Lauren Jauregui imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن