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You and Lauren are walking around in the snow together, holding hands. It's snowing so you both have coats, gloves and hats on. While walking, you manage to sneak your hand out of hers and you grab some snow. You ball it up and throw it at her back. She turns to you.

"Now that was rude."

She grabs some snow and throws it at you. You gasp and grab some more. You throw it at her.

"This is disgusting behaviour."

She throws some snow at you. Which results in a snowball fight. While she's trying to find you, you sneak up behind her and tackle her into the snow. She lets out a yelp. You pin her down into the snow.

"I win." You say.

"No fair. That's cheating." Lauren says.

"Why? Cos i know you'll immediately cave the minute i pin you to something?" You tease.

"Yeah! It's cheating." Lauren says.

You smile. She smiles. You kiss her and she kisses back. You pull back first and gently lay your head against hers.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." You say.

You stand back and help her up. She hugs you. You smile and hug back. The snowflakes just fall down on top of you both.

"You wanna go home? We can drink hot chocolates and lay under a blanket together." You suggest.

"Yeah. That sounds nice." Lauren says.

You smile. You both walk home and then change. You make hot chocolates while Lauren brings the blanket and pillows downstairs. You bring the hot chocolates into the living room and you both get comfortable under the covers. She lays back against you. You just hold her close as you watch the movies together. You've both never been happier.

Thoughts? Cos im me, i was gunna go something like... angsty but got half way through and thought NAHH and did like a full 360 and decided on fluff instead. I swear to god that always happens with me. Even if the angsty one is good im like nah not today and i change it. Thas why it takes me like a million years to update some books. Byeeeee :)

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