Soft bully

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It's Wednesday. You're sat in school on the benches eating some chips and messing on your phone.


You look up and see the girl who kinda does and kinda doesn't bully you. It's a weird thing.

She walks over to you and snatches your chips.

"These are mine now." She says.

Her name is Lauren. She's gorgeous in your opinion and basically everyone in the entire school's opinion.


"No." Lauren says.

She grabs you hand and pulls you. You manage to grab your backpack and put it on. She pulls you to the quiet area of the yard. Nobody really hangs here. It's typically where you come to have quiet time either with the person you're dating or just by yourself.

"Why are we here?" You ask.

Lauren doesn't answer. She just starts pulling things out of her bag. You stand against a wall and mess about on your phone. 5 minutes pass and you're still stood against the wall.


You look up from your phone and see Lauren looking at you. She has a few things on the floor for you both to sit on and then your... well her chips on the things.

"Sit with me."

You put your phone away and sit down. You pull your bag off and you both share the chips. Lauren is a very strange person. Cos she bullies you but not in the way a typical bully does.

Lauren doesn't beat the shit outa you. You're literally the only person she seems interested in.


"You eat weird." Lauren says.

You frown. See this is the typa weird shit she says. It's mega confusing cos she says things like that and then compliments you. She really confuses you.

You check your phone and see that you're late for science. Chemistry.

"Shit I'm late."

You stand up.

"Can i walk with you?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah." You say.

You think she has biology next.

After school, you go to the park and sit on a swing. You just mess on your phone. You have a good 5 hours before you have to be home.

The next think you know, someone sits in the swing next to you. You look and see Lauren.

"Hi?" You say.

She looks at me.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"You sat next to me." You say.

You look back at your phone. You start scrolling through some memes on Instagram. Weird memes. Lauren looks. She lays her head on your shoulder and you just look at memes. Together.

You spend a good hour doing that. You need to ask her something right now and it's actually been bugging you. A lot.

"Look, Lauren, i need to ask you something. It's important."

She nods.

"What's going on with you? You're such a strange person. I dont get it. One minute you're all.... like this and another minute you're being so mean to me. I dont get it." You say.

She looks down.

"It's just because i like you and the only way i can spend even a little time with you, with out my friends judging me, is if i pretend to bully you. So i dont really do anything classed as bullying. I just..... I'm sorry." Lauren says.

She stands up.

"You like me?"

She nods.

"I'll-uh-I have to go."

She starts walking away. You sit there in shock for a good minute. You watch as Lauren walks off kicking things. You do like Lauren but this is just....

"Wait! Lauren wait a second!"

You get off the swing grab your bag and run over. Lauren stops and turns around. You stop in front of her.


You kiss her. She kisses back. When you both pull back, you both stand there for a minute.

"I like you back." You say.

"You do?"

"I wouldn't have kissed you if i didn't like you back." You say.

"Wow. It's not every day that the girl you like, likes you back and then kisses you." Lauren says.

"It's not." You say, agreeing with her.

She smiles. You smile.

"Does this mean you're gunna stop the weird bullying thing you do?" You ask.

"Yes." Lauren says.

You smile.

"You're such a soft bully." You say.

Lauren smiles.

Hehe. Sorry for the wait.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now