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Lauren's just walked through the front door. She's had a half day due to her getting things done relatively fast today. She's missed you since she stepped foot out of the front door this morning.

She expected you to be sat on the sofa sitting crisscross applesauce watching Teen Wolf, the tv show, but you're not.

An idea comes to her mind. She quietly walks upstairs in attempts to scare you. She walks into yours and hers shared bedroom expecting to hear you laughing at something Stiles said. Since he's your favourite Teen Wolf character.

But you're not. Her heart erupts with butterflies when she sees what she sees.

She sees you layed in bed with one of her merch hoodies on under the covers hugging one of the pillows. You usually do that when Lauren isn't there. Just to imagine you two are cuddling.

She smiles because she knows that's what you do. She walks quietly across the room to you. She slowly, and very carefully, pushes you further back in the bed. She then quickly gets changed into the stuff she usually sleeps in.

She moves the pillow back to behind your head. You seem to whimper a little. You roll over and grab the covers. You hug it tight to you. She smiles softly. She's never ever seen you like this before. A moment she'd record if she wasn't wanting to get into bed with you.

She quietly moves around to the other side of the bed. She then gently crawls into bed and moves the covers out of your hands. Before you roll over, she manages to move herself into your arms.

You smile and nuzzle your head into her neck. Making her smile. She fiddles with your fingers for a while. You then slowly open your eyes. Obviously, you dont expect to see her so you jump a little. She rolls around and looks at you.

"Hey baby." Lauren says.

You yawn, rub your eyes and then smile.

"Hey bubs." You say, with a rough voice.

When you're asleep for over 5 hours, your voice becomes rough when you wake up. Which Lauren finds so attractive.

"I thought you'd still be at the studio." You say.

"I got through everything really fast." Lauren says.

You nod and lay on your back.

"How long have you been home for?" You ask.

"About 2 hours. I got home and you were basically passed out in bed. It was kinda cute actually. The efforts i went to just to get into this bed with you." Lauren says.

You smile.

"Was i being awkward?" You ask.

"Extremely." Lauren says.

You smile again. She snuggles herself into your side. You wrap an arm around her. She smiles.

"Did it catch up on you?" Lauren asks.

"What?" You ask.

"All the shit you've been doing. Getting 2 hours of sleep. Running on Monster, Redbul and chips." Lauren says.

"Yeah. You left this morning and i came up here. My plan was to just watch Teen Wolf but about 10 minutes into the first episode, i decided to get some sleep cos i was falling asleep and didn't wanna miss any of the show." You say.

She laughs.

"I think we should get some sleep. We have 2 whole weeks together after tomorrow." Lauren says.

You smile. You kiss her and she kisses back.

"Love you baby." Lauren says.

"Love you princess." You say.

And just like that, you both fall asleep.

Lauren Jauregui imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now